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Anybody know what this might be?


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Well, they have got my attention, but if it is a galactic object, I assume it is outside our own galaxy, and can only be a signature of something or other. But what? could be a brown star, a black body. Who knows, we'll just have to wait. :angry:


Ah, got it, an uncloaked Klingon warbird. :(

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Well, they have got my attention, but if it is a galactic object, I assume it is outside our own galaxy, and can only be a signature of something or other. But what? could be a brown star, a black body. Who knows, we'll just have to wait. 8)


Ah, got it, an uncloaked Klingon warbird. :angry:

"WASHINGTON -- NASA has scheduled a media teleconference Wednesday, May 14, at 1 p.m. EDT, to announce the discovery of an object in our Galaxy astronomers have been hunting for more than 50 years."

It's in our galaxy. Perhaps a planet, observed rather than inferred?

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Well, they have got my attention, but if it is a galactic object, I assume it is outside our own galaxy, and can only be a signature of something or other. But what? could be a brown star, a black body. Who knows, we'll just have to wait. 8)


Ah, got it, an uncloaked Klingon warbird. :angry:

"WASHINGTON -- NASA has scheduled a media teleconference Wednesday, May 14, at 1 p.m. EDT, to announce the discovery of an object in our Galaxy astronomers have been hunting for more than 50 years."

It's in our galaxy. Perhaps a planet, observed rather than inferred?

Sorry, I should have taken more care in reading the announcement. It is in our own backyard then. :(


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Very cryptic. I see 50 years takes us right back to Sputnik and Explorer - And seemingly the latter was the first to have an X-ray detector... and discovered the Van Allen Belts.

Who knows? (Strange) Quark star positively ID'd? Dark matter explained? "Anomalous" gravity sussed? :angry:

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It's in our galaxy. Perhaps a planet, observed rather than inferred?

Good thinking that man!

An extrasolar planet was imaged (one of them thar Super Jupiter jobs in an extended orbit around a Brown Dwarf) three or four years ago I think and that involved the Chandra X-ray Observatory. Perhaps one has now been discovered in the 'Goldilocks zone' around a Sol type star and as thing says it is the SETI anniversary!

Now that might be worthy of a special announcement routine by NASA :glasses5:.

Would it not?



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What! an alien signal has been received!!! OMG!!! I've got to run off and build a website warning the world of our destruction by evil Aliens that Ron and the government are covering up............

or... maybe not. I reckon CW is on to it and they've found a new planet in the Goldilocks zone. Wouldn't it be ironic if it's close enough to see that it would sustain life but far enough away that we could never get there (well soon anyway).

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What! an alien signal has been received!!! OMG!!! I've got to run off and build a website warning the world of our destruction by evil Aliens that Ron and the government are covering up............


It's a conspiracy................. They're in Cahoots! :shock:

(A deep Cold War Bunker in the small village of Cahoots,just South of Carlisle.)



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What! an alien signal has been received!!! OMG!!! I've got to run off and build a website warning the world of our destruction by evil Aliens that Ron and the government are covering up............


It's a conspiracy................. They're in Cahoots! :shock:

(A deep Cold War Bunker in the small village of Cahoots,just South of Carlisle.)



That place is a red seal Top Secret Badger Sett. Who leaked it.? There will be hell to pay now.

I'll have to Suss out a spot to dig another now. Not so near Sellafield this time though.


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