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Anybody know what this might be?


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Thats a bit underwhelming...

I know what they have discovered is very important but I was hoping for something a little more profound...never mind....

Agree with bot of you.. :insects1:


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We already know SNs exist, we were pretty sure the reason we don't see as many of them in our own galaxy as we do in other galaxies is because of the dust/ gas along the plane of the galaxy obscuring the view.....Its interesting but I do feel a little let down after the buildup. :shocked:

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NASA really don't help themselves do they! :shocked:

It's great that they are able to do this stuff but making such a fuss about something like this is not going to help them get funding. It's going to leave the average American (with the exception of a very few who might actually be exited by this rather humdrum result) wondering why on earth they have have to pay for all this! If they just made a normal statement of the 'discovery' it would convey that they were continuing to do good science and make progress in astronomy.

However sensationalising this makes them seem like they are taking the mickey out of the public.


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