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Obs conversion _Final Update


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At last, its all 'done and dusted' :angry: .

The project to convert the obsy from a 'Roll-off-Roof' to a rotating turret arrangement, is now complete, and the obsy is again fully operational. :cheers:

I pleased to say that everything has gone according to plan, and relieved that the time spent drawing everything to scale prior to commencing work, calculating all the of the many angles and specific section lengths, actually followed through in practice. :thumbup:

As said previously, and interesting project, but I wouldn't want to do it again.

The next obsy project, after a suitable break :( , is to extend the 'warm-room'. With the 4"x2" timber framework, onto which the roof used to 'roll', now removed, this option is now feasible






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That look really great! you've done a brilliant job - if you're on holiday in NZ in about two years can I contract you to build one for me? :angry:


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An excellent construction Dave :(

When your scope is pointing at the zenith, how much higher is the dome roof than the end of the scope?

As you know, I'm looking at doing the same sort of thing with my ROR, for the same reasons, but I'm thinking that if I have too little distance, I'll be dealing with the corrector dewing up, have to put a dewshield on, and again have wind problems as the dewshield will stick out of the dome.

I could theroretically build a bigger dome/turret but that will block the nice view of the sea we have and Mrs H won't be having that I suspect :angry:



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When your scope is pointing at the zenith, how much higher is the dome roof than the end of the scope?

Rob, with the dew shield on, I have about 150mm or so, to spare, so the scope and it's dewshield are below roof level.


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