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The Sun - 27th Sep 2015

David Smith

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Another beautiful sunny morning although a little more cloud this afternoon. Seeing definitely was not as good this morning as it was yesterday.

21768242921_bd1fc1a2e1_o.png20150927 by David Smith, on Flickr

21137817293_db3d015627_o.png20150927mono by David Smith, on Flickr

21132314484_a0c23939ed_o.png20150927_CaK_6PaneFD by David Smith, on Flickr

21728922026_2de4b96367_o.png20150927_CaK_ARs__2xBarlow by David Smith, on Flickr

21567059580_4546af3c6b_o.png20150927_CaK_Proms by David Smith, on Flickr

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