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Baader Diamond Steeltrack RT Focuser - First Impressions


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Guys, can I just confirm something? On the FLO website when referring to the Baader Steeldrive unit is says "Not suitable for new-style Baader SteelTrack Diamond focusers", but posts in this thread seem to indicate otherwise. Will the Steeltrack fit on the new Diamond focuser, or will we have to wait for Baader to  develop a new motor?



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everybody

I'm seriously considering going for the new 2" Baader Diamond Steeltrack focuser (RT version) with the optional Steeldrive for upgrading the stock focuser on my 6" RC from GSO/TS.

I had decided on getting the MoonLite 2.5" focuser with the stock Stepper motor, and I actually ordered it from TS, but ended up returning the lot as the Focuser was damaged (dented) severely and the TS supplied adapter to mount the focuser to my telescope didn't support rotating the focuser, it also didn't fit the focuser, nor supported mounting of the stock Steppermotor. All in all a bad experience, but TS staff was very helpfull, although I had preferred getting better advise during my rather lengthy correspondence about my purchase.

I was planning to buy the MoonLite focuser, with all accessories directly from MoonLite in the U.S. as this would allow me to get the stock flanges for mounting the focuser to my telescope. But the newly released Diamond Steeltrack focuser from Baader has got me wondering if I should go for that instead.

I can see from Baader's webpage that the missing documentation, mentioned in the beginning of this thread as drawback, has been added: 

The Baader website states that the old (classic) Steeldrive should work with the Baader Diamond Steeltrack RT!

I have a couple of concerns  which I hope you guys can help clearing up:

  1. How much weight will the Baader Diamond Steeltrack (BDS) handle when pointing straight up/down without driving the focus shaft,  when all knobs are released, and there is no focus lock?
  2. Will the Steeldrive apply holding torque when not moving or will it turn off the stepper coils when there is no movement, thus releasing its hold on the focuser shaft?

I'm using a Canon 650D DSLR for Astroimaging, so my weight requirements are not that high, but I would like to be able to upgrade in the future without needing to worry about the focuser.

I plan to use INDIlib and EKOS for automating my setup for remote control, so I would like to not need to lock/unlock the focuser shaft lock between focusing actions.

Looking forward to your replies!




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Hi Anders.

1. I'd say 6kg. I have atik ccd, filter wheel, oag and oag cam. It's not 6kg but I cannot imagine it doesn't support their claim. It doesn't budge even without the focuser lock engaged. I didn't need to make adjustments either.

2. The existing steeldrive does not lock the focuser so tou can still use it for visual and manual focussing if needed. I find that very handy on m c9.25. So it doesn't have a hold consider it released.

3. Yep you will be fine I don't use the focuser lock and I can repeatedly hit absolute focus position each time between imaging runs which means there is no slip. My obs is remote controlled.

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Hi Anders.

1. I'd say 6kg. I have atik ccd, filter wheel, oag and oag cam. It's not 6kg but I cannot imagine it doesn't support their claim. It doesn't budge even without the focuser lock engaged. I didn't need to make adjustments either.

2. The existing steeldrive does not lock the focuser so tou can still use it for visual and manual focussing if needed. I find that very handy on m c9.25. So it doesn't have a hold consider it released.

3. Yep you will be fine I don't use the focuser lock and I can repeatedly hit absolute focus position each time between imaging runs which means there is no slip. My obs is remote controlled.

Hi Ian

Thanks a lot for your input!

I will buy the Diamond Steeltrack as soon as the new Diamond Steeldrive hits the market, which according to Baader's support is in about two weeks time :-)



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  • 4 years later...

Hello - a very old thread I know but hopefully people are still about. I used this thread as much of my decision to buy a Diamond Steeltrack.  However, I have been somewhat disappointed by what I have ended up with.  I have previously only used the nasty Skywatcher R&P on my Orion Optics Europa 200 which wobbled horribly. 

The Steeltrack is rock solid but its also very stiff, and the stiffness changes as you extend the drawtube.  The first one I had was stiff for the first 25mm then loosened up a bit.  The replacement was less tight but had a stiff spot at 18mm.  The locking nut and tension adjuster and both loose.    The fine focus is much less freer but coggy all the way round.  It is certainly possible to achieve focus but its not the experience I was expecting.  It takes quite a lot of effort to start the tube moving with the high speed wheel which then tends to run away a bit.  FLO are being very helpful and taking them both back to test - its just possible that my expectations are out of kilter but its certainly stiffer than my £40 R&P and not the delicate precision instrument I was expecting.

In the attached video you can hopefully get a feel for the force needed to turn and the stiff spot. Do people find it stiff with the fast speed wheel and is there any cogging noticeable with the fine one?

Many thanks


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I have had the SCT, newt and refractor versions and all have been very smooth and free moving with even resistance from end to end. Very precise.

Sounds like yours has been misadjusted which is strange. Hopefully FLO will get to the bottom of it. 🤔




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There is something not quite right was this brand new out of the box? I couldn't see in the video the problem but I guess a stiff spot would be hard to see it's more something you feel. Mine have been smooth. They are adjustable it depends where and how big the stiff spot is, again hard to see in the video.

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12 hours ago, ianaiken said:

There is something not quite right was this brand new out of the box? I couldn't see in the video the problem but I guess a stiff spot would be hard to see it's more something you feel. Mine have been smooth. They are adjustable it depends where and how big the stiff spot is, again hard to see in the video.

Thanks for this.  Yes FLO have sent me two and they look pristine.  In the video I'm trying to keep the turning force the same.  When my hand stops moving is where it gets stiff.  At about 18mm extension in both directions.  That is the second one.  The first one hasn't got such an obvious notch but is stiffer overall  The big issue is really the force needed to get the thing moving from still.  Its not consistent with a smooth experience.  Its no harder with a 1kg camera attached so its not a weight thing.  I've been playing with the first one just winding it in and out and it seems a little better.  Do they 'run in' maybe?

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The manual is here:


Read page 10. The pressure screw is set for 6Kg (imaging) and may need slackening slightly for visual. It is the single hex head in the centre of the drive base. Don't mess with the other screws.

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On 16/06/2020 at 10:43, IanL said:

The manual is here:


Read page 10. The pressure screw is set for 6Kg (imaging) and may need slackening slightly for visual. It is the single hex head in the centre of the drive base. Don't mess with the other screws.

Yes I'd checked that thanks. It seemed completely loose.  They have both gone back to FLO to see what's what.  (PS this isn't notifying me of responses even though its set to - is that normal?) 

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I get emails for responses, so it looks like something odd is going on there.

As it happens, I have the SCT model of the older Steeltrak on my desk at the moment.  It is excellent as everyone else has said.  The two I have on refractors are also excellent.  Hopefully you've just been very unlucky and FLO will get it sorted out.


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  • 1 month later...
On 20/06/2020 at 23:41, andyrawlins said:

Yes I'd checked that thanks. It seemed completely loose.  They have both gone back to FLO to see what's what.  (PS this isn't notifying me of responses even though its set to - is that normal?) 

FLO did find a slight stickyness due to some gunk on the first one.  They sent me a third one which is quite a bit better.  I guess I was just a bit unlucky with the first one and being a bit picky with the second.  Very happy bunny now - its  a lovely stable platform and the fine focussing is fab.  Exemplary support from FLO.  Thanks for your help all.  :)

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  • 1 year later...

Sorry to revive this thread , or maybe not sorry ... but i have just inherited a skywatcher ED80 with a Baader Steeltrack... Can somebody just confirm that to fit a finder base onto the focuser i can remove any 2 of the flat head dummy screws on the top of the focuser . I did read the manual and whilst i think i am right , maybe somebody could confirm this . 


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2 minutes ago, Stu1smartcookie said:

Thanks , John .... its as i thought ... but to have it confirmed is great .  :)


It's a little bit of  squeeze but you can get two finder shoes on the focuser - I use one for a finder and the other for starsense. I fitted the baader versions.

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3 minutes ago, Stu1smartcookie said:

Thanks , John .... its as i thought ... but to have it confirmed is great .  :)


That's a confirmation that yours (the older model) does not have the same 5 accessory screw points as the new Diamond model.🙁

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10 minutes ago, StevieDvd said:

That's a confirmation that yours (the older model) does not have the same 5 accessory screw points as the new Diamond model.🙁

You are correct Steve ... i was (almost ) onto a winner when i suddenly thought , " i need to check" ... Elena confirmed this :( 

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