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Beginners go at M31


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150 flats! That's dedication. Good first effort. M31 has a larger dynamic range than most DSOs so it can pay to take one set of lights for the core and another set for the outer regions thereby equipping you to manage the difference in output.

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From another beginner, nice image, I'd be really pleased with that!

How did you get the galaxy to stand out against the sky background? On my attempt at M31 earlier this week, I either start blowing out the core or the sky blends into the galaxy edges. I was taking 120 sec subs though, so that may have more to do with it.

Did you process the image as a whole? It was suggested to me to process the galaxy core separately to the stars, which I've yet to try.

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Very nice.  Do you think there's someone there looking back through a telescope capturing images of the Milky Way? :)

I think there could be more to come out of that, but as already said you probably have to have a separate set of exposures for the core.


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