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Y shaped Asterism in Cygnus found.


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Tonight ended up being what I would call pretty successful. I learned a few new things, and found a really cool asterism in Cygnus. I got out as soon as it was dark enough to see Saturn in the Southwestern sky. Seeing wasn't all that great, but I could make out some of the larger and darker cloud bands. Tonight was also my first night at trying to sketch what I could see through my scope. Saturn didn't turn out too bad, and I could see two of it's moons. Looking back on the sketches and comparing them to Stellarium, the two moons visible appear to be Titan and Rhea. I decided to go check out the Mizar double. I knew that Mizar and Alcor were there, but I had no idea that Mizar was a binary itself until I got my "big" 10" scope. I also sketched them. I ran out of targets fast since there was a full moon. I ended up in Cygnus right after being disappointed by the Albireo double. (The moon washed out the colors). I centered on Sadr, and thanks to my Meade UWA ep's, I saw a strange looking line of stars. It was clearly there, and it looked like a small trail of stars. It was odd. So many with roughly the same magnitude and all in  a row. I took my time to sketch as many as I could. I packed up after that due to clouds and haze from the wildfires out west. I just got inside, and checked out Stellarium. Not all of the stars I saw are in Stellarium, but the asterism's general shape is. They're all right between mag 10 and 10.7. There were some that were very faint, probably mag 11 or 12. The brightest was a mag 7 variable star (V2118 Cyg). I'm obsessing over it right now. It's the first time I've seen something like this in a scope. I'm sure it's no huge deal, but knowing my scope can pick up mag 11 stars during a full moon is pretty awesome. I wasn't in the moonlight. It was fairly low on the horizon and behind my house until I packed it all in. I'll be posting my sketches in the morning in the appropriate section. Clear skies!

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Good spot. I'll have to look that one out.

I wonder how deep you would have to go to find undiscovered asterisms?


PS. The package that Stu uses is Sky Safari Pro. I have it on my iPhone and iPad. It is a splendid package for about the same price as a book.

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