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Iris, and I'm sort new to this brown stuff...


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This is my first venture into brown stuff. I have had my TEC-140 collecting some Iris photons for the past week or so, and here is a first processing attempt. Difficult stuff...

43 x 15 min lum binned 1

85 x 5 min R binned 2

63 x 5 min G binned 2

73 x 5 min B binned 2

10Micron GM2000HPS, TEC-140, QSI-683, Astrodon filters. Capture with ACP, everything unguided.

My own comment is that I need to learn how to preserve and fiddle star colour, and also to stretch better.

Full res: http://filer.frejvall.se/NGC7023-1.jpg



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Looks pretty good to me Per, especially unguided. I love the dark stuff and always come back to the Iris...now that I have got a mount that I can get consistent long subs with (albeit guided) I will be revisiting this target.

What was your sky like when you imaged this?

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A remarkable début in dust, Per! Firstly the noise is very low (plenty of good subs.) The general colour balance is convincing and you're starting to get those pinkish tints in the blue region which are a genuine feature of this target. Lovely!

Regarding the stretch, I do think it's a little flat and using a layer for the core might help resolve the central star. I'm sure it will be in the data. What about a dose of LHE? When I do it I take the result into Ps (Don't tell Harry  :grin: ) and use it as a layer, keeping or losing it in different places.


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Yes, Olly, I will fiddle some more with this eventually. The data is reasonably good and I feel I probably can lure something out of it.


And then you need to take a look at the Praying Ghost next door. Now that really is an object! (For something that's invisible...  :grin:  :grin: )


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That's starting to look very nice :)

A little to much purple to me --IMO of course

I agree with olly a little flat and LHE would help , but none of that layer nonsense is required :evil:



Hehheh. Life without layers would like life without... layers!

:grin: lly

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No purple for me but this target does contain pinks mixed in with the blues. I don't know if this is Ha or ERE. Not all images find it but good ones do, for sure. Have a skim round the net. WIth the same scope this is what I found. https://ollypenrice.smugmug.com/Other/Best-of-Les-Granges/i-Dkk68fj/0/O/IRIS%20GHOST%20sRGB.jpgThe pinks are real, I'm quite sure of that.


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