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A dream


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I had this dream... That I was outside of my house and the milky way and Andromeda Galaxy were merging already... IT was spectacular and really real. And you could also view a galaxy during the day that was coming to us too. All I can say is that it was amazing! Anyone else have dreams like this?

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After my parents took me to the planetarium at the Boston Museum of Science back in 1964, I had a vivid dream about Jupiter. Jupiter was in a pool of water somehow, and I was playing with it (I was 4 in '64).

That did it for me. I became an avid amateur astronomer on the spot. As for the dream: I still remember it clearly to this day. And it may well have been instrumental to my studying Jungian psychology and dream-analysis.

Pesky things - dreams :p


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I think there's a bit of subconcious memory slipping in here. There is a demonstration and plenty of pictures illustrating the weights of the planets - we're often shown it as kids. The one for Jupiter shows it floating in a tub/pond/sea showing how light it is. Coulda saved yourself all that boring Jung stuff - Freud's "Interpretations" are much more fun anyway lol. :grin:

I've had the galaxy collision one too - I think it's such a curious and fascinating concept that it triggers the imagination to speculate how it would appear from Earth. In reality though everything is so vastly spaced we'd hardly notice it visually. Or there would be a huge sudden coincidental impact and Earth would be vapourised in an instant. :)

Have a look at the Whirlpool Galaxy for a near approximation of how it would work. :confused2:

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As a child ( I was about 8 to 10 years old ) I remember sleeping in the top bunk of a bunkbed in a bedroom facing south and my first encounter with space happened there. I know it was a dream but in my mind and upto this day I feel it actually happened. Our room had no curtains and from my bed I could see the dark sky and all the stars.I used to lay on my side and look at them. Suddenly I was travelling through this space and I remember the vivid colours all around me. I was neither hot nor cold. I was up there and I had the most wonderful feeling which I can still experience today when reminiscing . It was a feeling of tranquility and calmness Any direction brought the most beautiful views of galaxies and clusters and nebula. And here is the nub of this. When I was that young I did not know what nebula and clusters were. I had heard of galaxies before. Later in life when explaining this to friends they suggested I'd had an out of body experience. All I know it was the most wonderful feeling I have ever, ever experienced.

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So this event

Will happen /occur in about  4 BILLION YEARS FROM NOW !!

Fine if you are an exile from galifrey traveling the universe in a blue box  !

But for the rest of us mere mortals it's a moot point :grin:

Be nice to see it though ...........

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Andromeda and the Milky Way will more-or-less pass through each other before eventually merging after a cosmic dance around each other.

We would barely notice as the stars are so thinly spread out.

Matter is really quite thin on the ground, even in a galaxy.

At least that is what I tell myself so I can sleep at night!

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As a child ( I was about 8 to 10 years old ) I remember sleeping in the top bunk of a bunkbed in a bedroom facing south and my first encounter with space happened there. I know it was a dream but in my mind and upto this day I feel it actually happened. Our room had no curtains and from my bed I could see the dark sky and all the stars.I used to lay on my side and look at them. Suddenly I was travelling through this space and I remember the vivid colours all around me. I was neither hot nor cold. I was up there and I had the most wonderful feeling which I can still experience today when reminiscing . It was a feeling of tranquility and calmness Any direction brought the most beautiful views of galaxies and clusters and nebula. And here is the nub of this. When I was that young I did not know what nebula and clusters were. I had heard of galaxies before. Later in life when explaining this to friends they suggested I'd had an out of body experience. All I know it was the most wonderful feeling I have ever, ever experienced.

It's amazing what our parents will put in our food to get you to sleep ;

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