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The Sun - 11th Jul 2015

David Smith

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Set the alarm early this morning as the forecast looked good last night and I was rewarded not only with clear skies but good seeing also.

19424368968_3657f3853e_o.png20150711 by David Smith, on Flickr

19586208146_18d87e56bb_o.png20150711mono by David Smith, on Flickr

Then some close-ups

18977711414_dd57f73010_o.png20150711_WL1 by David Smith, on Flickr

19593357802_afe8129e84_o.png20150711_WL2crop by David Smith, on Flickr

Then some H alpha

19412318230_facc6ecd89_o.png20150711_Ha1 by David Smith, on Flickr

19574124856_7b9f269afe_o.png20150711_Ha3 by David Smith, on Flickr

19412318060_dbc00c149f_o.png20150711_Ha2 by David Smith, on Flickr

And some more H alpha with different exposure settings

19605527782_c50d0def1a_o.png3 by David Smith, on Flickr

When I first plugged in the camera to take the white lights, the faculae on the west limb was so bright it was almost like looking at an H alpha filament!

White light FD's taken with:-

Skywatcher Evostar 120 / Canon 1100D

White light close-ups taken with:-

Skywatcher Evostar 120 / QHY5-II mono / [1.5x barlow] / Baader Neodymium / [#56 green]

H alpha taken with:-

Coronado PST / QHY5-II mono / Baader 2.25x barlow

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Thanks all

Great images David. I admire your devotion. It looks as if you need a tilt adapter for your Ha images.


Dave, to be fair I completely fanned on capturing flats yesterday. When I remember to do this it pretty much eliminates the Newton rings. I also need to get a decent 3x barlow so that I can do flats properly. With my current set up (2x or 2.25x, I did try using one as an extension tube for the other but could not reach focus) I have all sorts of problems with trying to get full chip illumination for my flats which then leads to a bit of a processing nightmare! All in good time though.

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Excellent images David, really must make an effort to get up earlier, trouble is clear days and nights tend to coincide, been trying to catch Pluto which I can't see until about 1.30am so not getting to bed until 2.30am.

I find flats a bit hit and miss, tried defocussed / bag / cling film at different histo levels, sometimes they work perfectly other times not, doesn't help not having a clue what I'm doing  :grin:


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Excellent images David, really must make an effort to get up earlier, trouble is clear days and nights tend to coincide, been trying to catch Pluto which I can't see until about 1.30am so not getting to bed until 2.30am.

I find flats a bit hit and miss, tried defocussed / bag / cling film at different histo levels, sometimes they work perfectly other times not, doesn't help not having a clue what I'm doing  :grin:


Yep, I get the same issue Dave. Have tried adjusting my flats with levels in GIMP which sometimes works.

fantastic set david, just need to stitch those ha panes now :wink:


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