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The Sun - 24th Jun 2015

David Smith

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Clearing skies when I got up this morning so before I left for the office I was able to grab 135 frames in what appeared to be pretty good seeing. It's always a bit tricky to tell when just viewing on the little 1100D lcd screen but images below have come out ok.

18938870939_f9753419a2_o.png20150624 by David_The_Bears_Fan, on Flickr

19119305412_b8623d6543_o.png20150624mono by David_The_Bears_Fan, on Flickr

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Thanks all

Come on James, break out the solar imaging gear. You know you want to :grin:

Even Steve's back in the game for this big group.

I really desperately do :)

Work has been an absolute beast for the last few months though (well, most of this year actually -- other than public holidays I've not had a day off since Christmas) and it has seriously affected my astronomy.  Once the kids are off school for the summer though I'm going to seriously crack on with getting the obsy built so I can leave everything set up all the time, and I'll be making sure it's all networked up so I can work out there and pretend to be in my office too :)


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