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Could someone take a quick look at this.

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Hi folks,

I've received my first used telescope (Sky-Watcher 130) and think i've managed to put it together ok. It didn't come with instructions so I got them from the website.

Whilst putting it together, a circular plate fell off and i'm not sure at what position it should be refitted in relation to the indicator above it. Could someone perhaps take a look and offer a suggestion please?

I'm not yet sure what the plate/readout is called so apologies for that.

Also, should the telescope main body be centre balanced within the tube rings?

Thanks in advance.



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Hi Iain I think you mean your declination axis scale. Looking at your photo make sure the axis above it is parallel to the ground (it looks close as it is in the picture) then the scale should be at 0 next to your point. When you have fixed it back you then rotate your declination axis using the bolt that is sticking out to your local latitude for viewing. Good luck.

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Yep as Chris says, with the mount in that setting in the pic glue your scale on so 0 lines up with the marker. Then set it to your latitude 50 something degrees in the uk.Then ehen you use the scope point that axis at polaris.

The main body of the telescope should be balanced in the rings, so that if you unlock the axis it stays put and doesnt swing up or down, e.g. centre of gravity, not necessarily the centre of the tube.

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Hi Iain I think you mean your declination axis scale. Looking at your photo make sure the axis above it is parallel to the ground (it looks close as it is in the picture) then the scale should be at 0 next to your point. When you have fixed it back you then rotate your declination axis using the bolt that is sticking out to your local latitude for viewing. Good luck.

The disc is the latitude scale (not the declination scale, which is not visible in the photo). The zero mark should be vertical to the mount

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IF you want to be really precise about it. Level the tripod with a level then put the mount on the tripod and level that. Then glue the disc with the 0 under the pointer and that will be as accurate as you can get it. In truth the scale is not very accurate and will only give a very general direction.

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I started with that scope and mount, it was very good for getting me hooked. Do you happen to live in the UK? If so, I have the simple RA drive for that mount, you can have it as a welcoming gift if you like as I really can't see me getting much for it if I sell it.

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Right chaps.

I've glued the latitude scale on properly and used a spirit level to level the tripod prior to fitting it together. It's looking good. The latitude is set at 51 degrees.

theghettostylus - Thank you for the offer but there is a RA drive included with mine, I haven't yet unboxed it.

Peter Drew - Thank you, that is a wonderful offer and I will definitely take you up on it. I didn't know there was an observatory so close to home! I can't wait to come and visit. I'll send you a message to save me hogging the boards. There is still so much for me to learn and i'm very grateful for your quick responses and advice.



PS. How do I add my telescope info to the bottom of my posts please?

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No worries! Glad you're getting it all sorted!!! Hope you get a nice clear sky so you can give it a look :)

Thanks pal,

I live near the Pennines so i should know enough to get me started by the time the darker nights start creeping in.

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I would just like to take a moment to thank Peter Drew of the Astronomy Centre in Todmorden for a most wonderful tour of his observatories this evening. I'm 42 now but it felt as if I was a 4yr old on his first trip to the seaside. Peter was most welcoming and helpful and i am very very grateful indeed and can't wait for my next visit.


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PS. How do I add my telescope info to the bottom of my posts please?

Edit your Signature in your profile. To get there, click on your userid near top of page then stuff around for a while till you find where your signature is stored. That is seriously how I do it - not exactly intuitive :)

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