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Light Pollution makes you fat......


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We are diurnal creatures and any alterations to natural cycles will eventually, I'm convinced lead to poor health among some of us. We're already aware of a possible link with night light and suppression (I think) of melatonin leading to increased cancer risk. There's also the scrambling of circadian cycles among shift workers- I can certainly vouch for that.

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We are diurnal creatures and any alterations to natural cycles will eventually, I'm convinced lead to poor health among some of us. We're already aware of a possible link with night light and suppression (I think) of melatonin leading to increased cancer risk. There's also the scrambling of circadian cycles among shift workers- I can certainly vouch for that.

I've only been at it a few years but I recently felt shifts were affecting my health. 

Here is the result of the brain scan the doctor sent me for:


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This isnt new news. Its been kicking around for a couple of years now that staying up late,using computers and other forms of technology which give off artificial light contribute to wait gain. Also a lack of sleep. Working the graveyard shift really also doesnt help because as well as all of the above, you are awake longer then the body really wants to be, you get hungry/bored and good luck finding healthy food/snacks to eat late at night.

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