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First Light with the Esprit (Dark Side)


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I finally got to use my Esprit 80mm tonight for the first time tonight, I also had the 80mm Equinox alongside on the dual giro mount and used this as the finder scope leaving the 25mm SLV in it :grin: not a bad finder if I must say so.

My first attempt came as a bit of a shock as there was not enough inward focus travel, oh no I thought !!!! However, I switched to my 1.25" diagonal and to my relief all was good with the world, I also checked that there was enough travel to be able to use the scope with all my eyepieces (between 2.5mm and 32mm) once again all was good....Phew  :smiley:

Even though the scope is primarily designed for AP I was stunned with just how good this scope is for visual....

My fist target was Venus, as lovely as Venus is there is not much one can say about this bright object but it did look pin sharp and I wasn't disappointed at the view from my first dark sky target with the scope.

Next I moved to Jupiter and switched eyepiece from the 6mm SLV to the 4mm SLV, I was very fortunate to look just as Io was peeping out from behind its master and what a fantastic sight it was, I hadn't realised until now that Io has a reddish colour to it compared to the other 3 moons, any how  all 4 of the moons were perfectly formed and as sharp as a tack. Jupiter looked fantastic too and the surface detail was perfect showing a very clear distinction between the banding and the lighter areas of this gassy giant. All in all the scope gave the best views I have seen of this monster planet..... very impressed indeed

I didn't have much time to spare as haze was staring to come so I thought I would look at a few stars. I switched to the 32mm TV plossl and had a look at open cluster NGC 2282 ( thank you Stellarium :laugh:) a lovely little group of stars and once again all were tack sharp and perfectly round ..... I then moved over to the Pleiades and all was much the same, the stars looked fantastic and were just a sharp as the others I had seen. I then spent about 20 minutes just star hopping in the opposite direction of the Moon taking it all in.


I am chuffed to bits with the scope and will recommend it to anyone, it delivered by far the best views I have experienced for the colours and pin sharp wide field views of stars I have used thus far. The scope itself is very smart to look at and is very well built. The focuser works a treat too.

I almost forgot.... My old lady friend came past that calls me "young man" :shocked: I was pleased to see her as I hadn't seen here for a while and I was relieved she was ok, she actually looks very well indeed and I told her so :laugh: ......I think she was pleased about the compliment and finally succumbed and had a look through the scope, she was very impressed. I am glad she no longer thinks I am peeping through bedroom windows..... bless here beautiful soul :grin:

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Thank you, I was quite took aback on the views the scope delivers. the larger aperture versions must be fantastic if this one is anything to go by :smiley:


Thank you too :smiley: The reasons for not posting pics is because I already have when I first got the scope in the "unboxing review" and again when I did my first solar review. I would paste the link to the thread but I am unable to cut and paste. :grin:


Thank you, it sure is a nice scope....it looks like the sun is shining this morning so I best get up and put the Quark in it :laugh:

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Lovely report... You don't hear of too many using them for visual. I feel guilty now that in the 18 months since I got my first one, being from the dark side, I've not actually looked through either!!

The Quark sounds interesting to try with it as an upgrade from the PST though. [emoji2]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Thank you :laugh:

I have not tried AP and if I am honest I mainly bought it to use with the Quark so I could achieve a full disc, I am very pleased that I can get three uses out of it and 4th should I go down the route of AP.

  • Ha Solar with the Quark
  • White light solar with the Herschel Wedge
  • Astro / Dark side visual
  • AP potential

It worth giving visual a try if you haven't before, I have had quite a few scopes and it certainly punches above its weight. the star colours are quite remarkable.

I haven't used a PST mod but I have owned a Lunt 60 recently and it is certainly a stepped change in comparison.

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Michael, I was most impressed. So much so that it has given me back my MoJo for clusters etc..... the colour differences were quite remarkable. Heaven knows what the bigger apertures deliver :smiley:

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I am not sure if you have seen "Harry Enfield & Chums" on TV Olly........But its the kind of "young man" statement I could do without :shocked: Luckily there is only one of them to fight off :grin: 

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Glad you like the Espirit Shaun, I have the 120mm version and love it. I use it without a flattener even though I bought a matching one for it at the time its still in its box!.

Excellent scopes!



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