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SynScan Handset Problems

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Hi folks, I'm hoping to benefit from your collective experience again.

I'm having big problems with the handset to my EQ5 Pro. The handset keeps freezing or restarting and sometimes sends interesting commands to the mount causing it to slew wildly. The illumination has a habit of going off at times too. The best I can get out of it is a few minutes normal operation.

The first thing I checked was the power supply, but I've checked with a couple of different 12v/5a power supplies and the problems occur with both. The second thing I checked was the firmware. I was on v.3.36 and I'd read that some had had issues with this, so I flashed the handset to v.3.37. Same problem, so I tried the earlier v.3.27 firmware with no success.

I'm tempted (perhaps wishful thinking) that it may be the handset controllers cable. There is a little bit of play at the handset end. I'm not sure though. I'd appreciate any suggestions or advice you may have which might help me narrow down the cause of the fault.

Thanks and best wishes

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It wouldn't do any harm to put the handset in the Airing cupboard or other warm place to make sure its bone dry inside.

Just helps rule that out.

How is it when the handset is powered direct from the 12v supply. i.e. not connected to anything else?

Edited by andyboy1970
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Every prob;em I have encountered with these handsets has related to power in one form or another. It does sound like there is a problem with achieving a consistent charge so the cables could be the problem.

Do both of your power packs use the same cable to deliver power to the scope? If so it might be worth replacing that too.

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I think the drying out option is a good idea. If you know what you are doing and not worried about voiding any warrenty which ay still exist on it, take the back off, there are four screws, and just leave it open to dry in a warm place for a day or so.

My handset had one button which used to get trapped under the plastic fascia, and effectly trick the mount to think I'd get my finger stuck down on it (I think it was the zero button). Now I know to just make sure I don't apply force at an angle to the keys and push straight down and it no longer gets trapped.

Power is the likely error. Does you mount have an LED to suggest when the power is on or not. Watch the LED and fiddle with the mount and leads and see if it flickers; I suspect it will do. There are various fixes, but the cheapest and easiest is to tape the power lead at a couple of non-moving places to remove any slack so the power socket doesn't wiggle in the mount. If that solves the issue, get something like this to clamp onto the lead to remove the slack:



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i would check the cable leads since bad contact can cause eratic behaviour to the mout. ie when i purchased my synscan hand controller for my heq5 pro when i used the handset sometimes the mount would either power off and restart or when i was slewing the slew motion would freeze and the mount would kept going until i turned it off. The problem was that the cable lead that connected to the mount had some play and i had this eratic behaviour. The solution was to buy an extenstion cord along with an adapter and the mount works flawlesly. Also recenlty i upgraded the firmware of the handset and when i used the mount with the hand controller the handset would give me a caution message about the alt/dec motors not found. Again with my extension cable i solved this issue. The benefit with the extention is that i can move freeley around the mount when i use the handset

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Had exactly the same issue with my LXD75 a few weeks ago. My problem was the handset to mount cable. I made a tempory cable from an old ethernet cable to prove it.

Hope you manage to sort it.

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Many thanks for all your help. There's some really useful suggestions here. I'm convinced the power is ok having tried two power supplies with different cables. Kookoo_gr's experience sounds very familiar. Having flexed my Google-fu a bit more, I've found a few topics which suggest you can replace the cable with a standard Cat 5 network cable. Does anyone know if this is true, as it would be a useful test to see if the cable is at fault.

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Had exactly the same issue with my LXD75 a few weeks ago. My problem was the handset to mount cable. I made a tempory cable from an old ethernet cable to prove it.

Hope you manage to sort it.

Looks like your post arrived whilst I was composing mine [emoji4]. Did you need to do anything to the cable to make it work, or was it just plug in and away you go?

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Yes, I've got a 20m ethernet lead so I can sit in my garage and control the mount from there :) It needs to be a "patch" type lead though - I'd never realised there were different types.


Cool, I've just done a ten minute test with a 1m patch cable I had lying around and everything seemed ok. The play in the sockets though is shockingly poor, so I think I may have to improvise an improvement with some blue tac. Thanks for the help. In fact, thanks to everyone who responded. SGL really is an invaluable community [emoji4].

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Edited by inedible_hulk
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SGL really is an invaluable community

No doubt about that. There is no way I would have spent so many thousands of pounds on astro gear if it wasn't for the advice and encouragement of the wonderful people on SGL :lol:

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Just for the record the lxd75 does not use standard ethernet cable , you have to re-configure it . looking at both connectors with the clip facing up the wires go from the inside out . So a standard e-net cable needs to have one end reversed. A standard cable can cause damage if what I have read is correct.

Glad you sorted it :-)

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  • 2 months later...
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On 07/06/2015 at 10:53, inedible_hulk said:

Just a little update. My problem has returned ("Oh no. The problem. The problem Pansy. It's started again!"), so I'll be getting in touch with the suppliers to see if they can help

Hi, im having the same issue as yourself, did you ever find a fix for this?

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