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Kielder's Bounty


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Got to do some imaging on the Friday night. Started off with M51 but the tracking was poor on 40 sec exposures, so I instead shifted closer to polaris and took a wider field and was able to get 1 min subs with better trails (still not perfect of course).

So here they are:


scope: 8" newtonian at f/2.5

camera: 2-HS and CLS filter

data: 50x40 secs and 23x45 secs (50 minutes)


(click to enlarge)


scope: ED80 at f/3.75

camera: 2-HS and CLS filter

data: 54x60 secs (54 minutes)

processing: Blinky (He magically removed my amp glow (some of it) and star trails - very impressive - thanks mate :(


(click to enlarge)



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It's a great pity I had to leave Saturday, so glad you had another great night on Saturday. I couldn't believe the conditions on Friday, I actually run through all of objects I wanted to see so had to get back into the warm room to draw up another list. I actually descided to pack up at around 2.00am on the Friday night which gave 5 hours of crystal clear skies.

I managed to do some imaging of M13 before realising that there was too much to miss out on by spending too much time imaging.

The one awesome sight for me was M81 and M82, a beautiful wide angle view but the double cluster in Perseus was stunning and came in a close second. I pointed the scope towards Virgo and couldn't believe the number og galaxies that were in the eyepiece, a defining moment in which I realised my small place in th Universe.

I managed excellent views of M64, M98, M101 and M104, even M31 gave a stunning vista dropping behind the northern fells at about 1.00am. Being a big globular fan, I was totally in my element taking in the main Messier globs and several of the NGC.


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For me, the trip represented first light for my new WO FLT110, so I was amazed that there were any clear skies at all, so it looks like I managed to defy the cloud gods this time. What a place for first light though, and combined with the EQ6 pro, it placed every object bang in the middle of the eyepiece every time.


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OK, getting back on topic, nice images Andrew. Haven't come across Craig's yet, but only just logged on.

Good to meet all of the SGL guys. Great skies, but the cold on Saturday night nearly killed me. First time I've camped in a tent when it's been snowing :?

Cheers to all, Martin

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Thanks for the comments guys.

Back off topic: :?

I still haven't defrosted from the cold on Saturday night. :(

I was warm all through Friday night, but Saturday night was hellishly ... erm... cold.

Paxo - sounds like you had almost as good a time as I! On Saturday I was also hunting out the fuzzies. I got M101 (and NGC*** as a bonus - still not sure what this was, likely a 12th mag galaxy), M3 (a first for me :D), M92 (not as nice, but still wow!), M94, M84 and 6 (and about 7 others as a bonus - just wondered around the area and lost track of how many galaxies I saw :shock:), as well as going over the faves (13, 51, 81/2, leo triplet). Just a fantastic night and it was such a shame I had to abandon ship. :shocked:


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Good going Andrew, your well out of the starting blocks, I am pleased you too managed to grab some images. They are quite good, and I am sure the conditions weren't Ideal for you.

Ron. :(

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