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Jupiter GRS plus double moon and shadow transit


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Not sure if this has been flagged elsewhere but there is a double transit of both moons and shadows on Jupiter tonight.

The shadow transit starts at 10.55pm I believe and ends at 1.12am. The moons in transit are Io and Europa.

To add to the excitement [emoji12], the GRS will be centre stage at 10.05pm.

Cue the clouds.....

Hope you get lucky. It's clear here at the moment......


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Thanks for the heads up Stu. It's quite clear here now but clouds are forecast later from around 21:00 hours :sad:

Hope the forecast is wrong .....

It's looking similar here John unfortunately, lovely and clear but forecast for cloud at 20.00

Fingers crossed.....

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Already patchy cloud over where I am, 15 miles NE of Brum! The Moon is rising from the East, so dark skies are out anyway. Might have a look with my bins later, if the clouds have dispersed, but doubt whether I will see much through those. Still waiting for my scope to arrive.

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Right on cue, clouding over :-(

I got it about an hour ago :sad:

The Moon plus the brightest stars are still shining through the cloud. I'm hoping it might thin just a little later and act as a great natural Jupiter filter :grin:

Probably just wishfull thinking though. The forecast later is rain .... :rolleyes2:

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As I was typing my last note the sky amazingly cleared a little more allowing me to see why I could only see one moon shadow. Both shadows were one right above the other between the two main cloud belts. So close they previously looked like a single shadow in the poor conditions.

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Just got back from a imaging session and it was tough to see much on screen due to wind but the seeing must of been not too bad as my preliminary stack was good with two nice shadows/moons very close together. I will have a better look tomorrow though.

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Clear, calm and steady seeing but quite bright and nippy here tonight. Missed the Great Red Spot but watched the shadow transit. I made a little sketch around 1:30. It's not a great rendition - the belts aren't right for starters, they're too far apart - but the general position of the shadows highlight what was seen this evening with the 76mm, x2 Barlow and 10mm Delos.


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Very nice Rob, great that you saw it.

Were the shadows obviously different sizes? Any sign of the actual moons in transit? They are normally very difficult unless near the limb.

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Very nice Rob, great that you saw it.

Were the shadows obviously different sizes? Any sign of the actual moons in transit? They are normally very difficult unless near the limb.

Thank you, Stu.

At magnifications above 68x, I could separate the shadows and discern their different sizes. Io's shadow was visibly larger. I couldn't see the actual moons in transit, nor did I try to hunt them out. I've tried on other occassions with the 10" & 4" frac without any success, so I figured the 3" would be near impossible.

The skies were very clear and very steady last night (MeteoBlue gave them a 5/5), giving the appearance of a glary and bright Jupiter at the eyepiece. To tone this down I used a Neodymium filter to some success.

If we take into account the bad positioning of the belts drawn and move the southern one a good few milimeters towards the darker northern belt (as would be seen in the eyepiece), then we've pretty much got a good match between the simulation and sketch :grin:

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