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Nov 9 Moon First real attempt

Skywatcher 200

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Hi all,

          Well, i managed to shake the gremlins out of my set up, and actually use it  :icon_bounce:

 This was also my first run in with the stacking software, :eek:

As the Moon was up, i thought this would be the target for a  shake down for the gear and me !

I didn't really have a plan as such, just capture some frames and see what worked and just as importantly, what didn't !

Capture Software  : Sharpcap2

Stacking Software : RegiStax5

This is the result :                              post-37525-0-95489100-1415628147_thumb.j

Any pointers /advice or criticism 

Thanx for looking


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Nice. did you pre-process the AVI?

I would have used PIPP (Planetary Image PreProcessor) software (free) to line up all the frames first. you can use it in 'surface' mode to do lunar and solar avi's. then feed it into your stacking software. I use Autostakkert as i find it easier to use. Then look at the quality graph  (after an analysis run) to work out how many frames to stack. stacking poor frames means a degradation of the overall image (or at least thats my excuse!). So out of 1500 odd frames I might only stack the best 40% and ditch the rest.

I only use Registax6 for wavelets. 

Keep at it though! it gets easier!

PS: Where in Essex are you? 

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Nice contrast and detail, not sure where those horizontal lines are from - processing artefacts?

I use autostakkert myself as well but mainly because it works better in wine than registax does.

The wavelets in registax work well but there are a lot of ways to use them and not all give a good result.

TSED70Q, iOptron Smart EQ pro, ASI-120MM, Finepix S5 pro.

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Hi all, thanx for the input, i appreciate it  :smiley:

How many frames did you take and use?

Not a clue, lol.  I just shot a 30sec avi and put it into RegiStax 5 and had a play.  Still got a lot to learn, lol

did you pre-process the AVI?

No pre proccessing :smiley:  and i'm in Clacton :smiley:

I will be re evaluating the software that i have,   and will look at the suggestions made, thanx

On a slightly different note,

Would the image be improve with the use of my Variable Polarizing Filter ?

Thanx again


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The filter is for visual use to reduce glare, for imaging you can just reduce the exposure time which will actually increase the clarity as shorter exposures suffer less from the effects of poor seeing.

It's a good first attempt for sure, what camera did you use?

TSED70Q, iOptron Smart EQ pro, ASI-120MM, Finepix S5 pro.

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Oh wow I've not had that issue even on the sun and that's pretty bright! But then maybe you have a larger aperture than me. In that case the filter may help as you are better off using a slightly higher gain, zero gain may actually cause some data to be lost.

For lunar I've only ever used a red filter and that's just to increase contrast in the day.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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Nice image Andy. You've achieved good exposure and contrast, especially as you seem to have been limited with your settings. Processing is as big a learning curve as acquiring the data in the first place; if not more so. Well done and keep it up.

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