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a big howdo from wigan


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Hiya Steve. I've recently joined and I'm not far from you - I live in Bolton so I'm quite near pie-eater land.


howdo fella, so you get good skys up on hill? any dark sites near you? member of the bolton astro society?

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Hiya Steve. I've recently joined and I'm not far from you - I live in Bolton so I'm quite near pie-eater land.


howdo fella, so you get good skys up on hill? any dark sites near you? member of the bolton astro society?

Some light pollution but not too bad. Plenty of dark sites up Belmont and Rivington but I don't go (the latter would be a bit dodgy as it is a very popular [removed word] area after dark - so I've heard!). I'm not in BAS, the social side of those things doesn't appeal to me.

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