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Where to go for good sky gazing on Europe?


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I've been planning a solo trip to Europe and I realized that since it's just me I can geek out under the northern skies if I so choose, without boring the others in my party. So I thought that part of my requirement was to find someplace that I'd at least have one night of sky gazing. I would like to go to somewhere on the continent, By the time I will have gotten everything ready for this trip I'll have been to the UK twice and would like to see more of Europe. I'm considering two countries, France or Austria, France because I speak the language, and have always wanted to see certain places there, plus I wouldn't have to learn a new one. Austria because I've always wanted to visit Vienna. Does either place have any areas that are good for sky gazing?

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Hi from the UK.   I think your best bet is to contact astronomy clubs in areas you intend to visit, they are more likely than anyone to know good places for astronomy.

Hope your intended trip goes well, Ed.

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Spain would be my first suggestion.  Pretty much the whole interior is a giant plateau, and if you can get far away from the nearest city, the view should be spectacular.  Weather is more predictable than here in Old Blighty.

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If you are feeling adventurous you could try http://www.picdumidi.com/ in the Hautes Pyrénées don't think it gets much darker than there

Also here in the "Triangle Noir du Quercy" there is a small astro club  http://www.astrosurf.com/clubgigouzac/presentation.htm, As you speak French you could talk t them.

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I would like to say main land Europe if I haven't already, though Britanny sounds tres interessant.

In that case, check where the professionals site their telescopes.

As it happens, the biggest 'scope in mainland europe is situated at Calar Alto  and I can tell you that it's sunny there ATM as I can see the sunlight glinting off the domes 50km south of me.

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In that case, check where the professionals site their telescopes.

As it happens, the biggest 'scope in mainland europe is situated at Calar Alto  and I can tell you that it's sunny there ATM as I can see the sunlight glinting off the domes 50km south of me.

From Website:- Calar Alto Observatory is on strike from March the 27th to April the 2nd, 2014. The call for strike was made by Calar Alto workers, to show their disagreement with the severe cut offs in the Observatory's budget decided by the Spanish Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) and the German Max Planck Society (MPG).

Worth checking that this strike action has finished before making the trip.

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I think you would be gambling with the weather anywhere in Northern Europe.... better head somewhere dry...Southern France if you want to stay within France.

Austria could be a risk...mountains, cloud, rain etc.

Basically, the further south, the better in astro terms..

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