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Rho Oph Borg71FL & QHY9 first light

Mike Hawtin

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I've always wanted to have a bash at the Rho Oph/Antares area so what better subject to try for a lovely mosaic with my new scope and camera.  Ha!!  What a mug, really poor seeing at that altitude plus windy conditions and a broken stick on my streetlight snood knocked any such daft dreams right out of my head.  So here is second best, the northern pane only taken directly through the light dome of Limassol, pop 100,000, 11 miles from my location, and it still needs more data to smooth things out but there is only so much frustration I can take at any one time.

I hope you like it anyway, thanks for looking.



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Very nice job! I'd be happy with that. I was trying for this area last night with a 200mm lens. It became obvious though that a tree line to the South was going to limit imaging. Will have to find somewhere else to shoot from if i want a proper go at it. 

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I absolutely love this area of sky and it is one I am part way through imaging.  

You have done a really great image Mike, I hope I can get close to that when I manage to get some more data.  (Only got Luminance so far).


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Thanks Guy,  the full res image is not a pretty sight, quite apart from the guiding problems due to windy conditions and soft star images from the naff seeing the stars on the blue subs have horrendous bloating which I'm pretty sure is down to the Borg reducer corrector, I'm waiting on advice from Ted Ishikawa at Hutec to see if there is anything I can do about it but until then my images from this set up will have to be resampled right down to look anything like presentable.


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Thanks Guy,  the full res image is not a pretty sight, quite apart from the guiding problems due to windy conditions and soft star images from the naff seeing the stars on the blue subs have horrendous bloating which I'm pretty sure is down to the Borg reducer corrector, I'm waiting on advice from Ted Ishikawa at Hutec to see if there is anything I can do about it but until then my images from this set up will have to be resampled right down to look anything like presentable.


More likely a combination of the seeing and the filters isn't it?  Blue bends best and all that...

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Ted reckons it's because I'm not using a UV/IR blocking filter which has the cutoff line around 410nm and 420nm, so I'll be looking at getting an IDAS LPS filter or similar asap.  I honestly thought, naively perhaps, that good quality LRGB filters would be all I needed to use with a doublet astrograph having one fluorite element and a  reducer/corrector with three elements.  Ah well you live and learn.


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