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First Light - Ethos 13mm, Nagler 22mm & Nagler 31mm


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Tonight was the first relatively clear night I have had for weeks so, despite the summertime bright sky, I decided to wheel out the CPC1100 to give my new Ethos 13mm and Nagler 22mm their first road test and to spend some time with the recently acquired Nagler 31mm.

These are all seriously impressive EPs that give great sharpness and contrast. The "spacewalk" across the field of the Ethos seems never ending.

The best target I found this evening was M11, The Wild Duck Cluster, which was fabulously sharp and bright in all three EPs. It was the first time I had viewed his object so couldn't compare the view to some other EPs I have owned but I am certainly not disappointed in the recent purchases.

It is a real pity that the sky just doesn't get dark at this time of year as I am unable to get much out of nebulae or galaxies due to the sky glow.

Roll on winter!!!

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It's a hard life, isn't it? First light for three of the best eyepieces money can buy :-). Congrats, that's a lovely set you've got there :-)

Once the skies get dark, you will have some serious fun with those!

As Calvin says, M13 will be awesome in the Ethos. I just did a little experimenting with fields of view to find a target for each for when the skies get darker ;-)



NGC457/22 Nag


Double Cluster/31 Nag


They should all look pretty amazing. Enjoy!


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Thanks guys - I did try M13 but that part of the sky seemed to be a little brighter and less clear than the area around M11. I was only out for an hour so didn't really get time to wait for things to come to me and spent all the time hoping around looking for a bright target.

If it is clear again tonight I will try them out in the dob for a wider view :cool:

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Nice first light report. M11 is a lovely target, which will show up any defect in an EP well (in this case: NONE). I have those two Naglers, and they are awesome. I hope to have a look through an Ethos this summer, and I do not doubt it will be great, but I fear the 15mm eye relief will be too short for me (my bank account hopes that this is the case ;))

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Though my personal use eyepiece in that focal length is a 21 Ethos, I had a chance not long ago to cruise the southern skies with a 22 Nagler once again (it had been a few years), and I was just as pleased with it as I had been.  I had the 22 from the month it was introduced until the 21 Ethos came out, and I loved that 22 in every scope I used it in.  Just a comfortable eyepiece to use.  It provides a near-optimum exit pupil in your C11, so it will see a lot of use, I'm sure.

The 31 was an inspired companion to it, as was the 13 Ethos (my most-used eyepiece at f/5.75).

You don't need any more eyepieces if you add a 2X PowerMate to the stable.  Though you might not use it with the 31, it works fine with the 22 and 13 to yield quite high powers for small targets in superb seeing.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The Ethos 13mm continues to impress. I've just been out looking at the (near) full moon and was surprised that the combination of the Ethos 13mm and my 200p Dob allows a full view of the moon's disk at 92x mag with room to spare in the FOV.

I can't wait for winter skies :grin:

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Yep, 92x divided by 100 degrees = .92 or almost one degree of sky. You should be able to fit the whole moon in twice, just about.

Only if you move your head from side to side :wink:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I gave the Nagler T4 22mm a thorough road test tonight with a few comparisons to the Nag 17mm and Ethos 13mm. The 22mm was absolutely superb and is definitely a keeper.

I loved the 22mm T4 Nagler. I changed to a 20mm T5 which was a touch sharper I fancy but not as immersive and comfortable. If I didn't have the 21mm Ethos now I'd be on the lookout for another 22mm T4 Nagler :smiley:

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My 16mm T5 Nagler is a great eyepiece,but so is my 18mm ES 82.Each has its own attributes,with 18mm ES offering a little more contrast.The 17 Ethos ups the bar a bit from these 2 excellent eyepieces,except for solar.Here the 16mm Nagler is the winner.The 21 Ethos is also superb in its role as a nebula hunter,it works unbelievably well with the OIII.

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......The 21 Ethos is also superb in its role as a nebula hunter,it works unbelievably well with the OIII.

I agree. 21mm produces a very effective exit pupil for O-III filters when used in F/5-ish dobs 

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it had better be good on F3.9ish Dobs also!

21mm / f3.9 = Exit Pupil of 5.4mm which is fine for an O-III filter although I think the performance will improve a bit more with a 3mm-4mm Exit Pupil so a 12mm-16mm eyepiece.

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