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I hate June!

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I'd forgotten how difficult it was to do any night sky observing in the month of June ... I had my scope out tonight for the first time in over a year tonight, and I waited for an eternity for the stars to begin to twinkle through the perpetual summer twilight .... Not helped by a murky haze and light but extensive cloud cover which blocked my view greatly up here south of Aberdeen .... The sky just hardly got dark at all! I'd forgotten how light the nights are up here!! What a waste of time trying to observe!! Roll on August/September!!!

So frustrated!!! :(


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Why all the griping , it's hardly a new phenomenon this "light 'til late" thing ...  :rolleyes:

You'll probably all be moaning soon enough that it's too cold outside ....  :p

Time to invest twenty quid in some Baader film and have a look at our nearest star to take your mind off the others ...  :laugh:

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Why all the griping , it's hardly a new phenomenon this "light 'til late" thing ...  :rolleyes:

You'll probably all be moaning soon enough that it's too cold outside ....  :p

Time to invest twenty quid in some Baader film and have a look at our nearest star to take your mind off the others ...  :laugh:

yep or a PST (funds permitting) bought mine pretty cheap in the depths of winter one of my better ideas!

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Hello from India

here the June skies are clear but humid and hot. Nights specially are hot. Stars and planets are easily seen but appear a bit smudgy through the telescope because of air pollution and light pollution about 50-100 kms out of my city the milk way is clear and 1000's of stars are visible.

Hope your June skies stay clear,


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.......but given Donaldo's forum name, he could observe the moon while listening to Mahler. Sounds ideal to me!

And hello Prabal. Your June nights are presumably longer but I sympathise re the pollution. At least you have a dark site to go to. The forecast tonight is quite good after some rain. So I will be out there - at least it's warm, if not as warm as India.

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Hi guys,

Yeah, hand on heart, I did have a bit of a heat of the moment moan .... It didn't really surprise me that sky conditions were a bit of a struggle .... I've lived up here long enough to know that nights in June don't get very dark at all ... I'm not exactly living in the Arctic Circle, but there's still a light wash to the sky, even past midnight ....

I was more disappointed because I haven't been out with my scope for so long ... I've had difficulties with my mount that I've only just had sorted, and some other issues going on, and so last night was my first chance to enjoy my scope in a long time ... I managed to get polar aligned and then the haze was getting hazier, and more clouds were drifting in, and the sky was just too 'bright', even nearly at midnight ... Only the brightest stars were managing to poke through ... And then Vega/Deneb disappeared! I gave up.

Some good suggestions guys ... I could give solar viewing a try ... But I'm not in to imaging ... I only have a northern aspect from my home, so south is a challenge ... Mars and Saturn are quite low anyway, and I don't drive ... But I'm sure I can drag the wife and daughter out to a good dark site sometime soon ....! :) Oh, double-stars are definitely an area I will be exploring when I'm blessed with a clear night sky!

Last night just looked very promising and then went splat on me .... Sorry for the moan again ... On the plus side I enjoyed Naked Gun and a couple glasses of red :D

Clear skies!


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Yes Donaldo - there is always something else to,do.

I sympathise with the wee moan though; there are always those nights when nothing seems to go right and you might as well blame the time of year! But then there are those perfect nights when everything is great, the seeing is excellent, clouds stay away and all's well with the universe. After sessions like that I come in still buzzing



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Thanks Kerry

Yes, I know you're right .... For all the bad nights there are enough good ones to enjoy ... I maybe 'gave up' a wee bit too easy last night but when I looked back out a couple of hours later there was a complete cloud bank over the whole sky, so it just wasn't meant to be last night. But there'll be better nights soon ... And they'll be getting longer soon, and it'll be autumn soon!!! :D I might hate June (I'm not a Sun-worshipper really), but I love Autumn! :D

I'm still hopeful though of seeing Mars and Saturn before the summer is done ... If I can convince my family to take me out to a local dark site with a good southern view .... :)

All the best,


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Conditions in my city are so bad that I cannot spot the ursamajor in summer or the Orion in winter easily. last night I woke up at 3 am to see the Andromeda but I struggled to see Cassiopeia and the when I found it my holy finder scope quit its job.(http://stargazerslounge.com/topic/218328-finderscopes-dead/) I am struggling to fix it and planning to wake p tomorrow at 3 am again. hopefully the skies stay clear! :grin:  :grin:

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I wish I had a holy finder scope - just a quick prayer and it would find the target first time!

Seriously though Prabal your English is great - much better than any foreign language that I attempt. We British are lazy and expect everyone else to speak our language

Umbraldot - I've never got excited about noctilucent clouds but that's probably because I've never seen any! From photos I've seen I imagine they can be quite beautiful

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Yes, it is a bit of an issue at this time of year; waiting around late enough into the night for it to get dark enough. I know some people do virtually give up during June and July as far as viewing goes. I did manage to get out last night; first time in weeks; Ring Nebula M57 was good to view, Dumbell Nebula M27 was a bit washed out with the Moon (61%) and M15 very low in Eastern sky was pretty good, but overall although pleased with those it was very late and I was tired so called it night. I`m sure it will probably be August before I get out again. I can concentrate on my latest mission..............to get a` grab and go ` scope/mount. :smiley: 

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Although I might moan about the lingering twilight during June, I now see it as a chance for a bit of a break. I`ve been very busy during the Autumn and Winter observing season and the obsy roof needs to be repaired so now is a good time to get doing some maintenance. Planets are still on the list, I was very surprised at how good the seeing was last night when I took a look at Saturn.  

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I am down at 52N and at 10:50 the sky was still a light blue, only Mars, Moon and Arcturus were really apparent.

Bit darker now, 23:15, but the general amount of light still means the sky is blue, just a darker blue.

At this time of the year it really is close to pointless to make plans.

The moon is good and bright however.

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