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Opinions on the QHY5L-II

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Hello all,

Following a popular thread I started about a month ago, I wish to ask for some opinions on the following product: QHY5L-II

I am planning to buy it for planetary/lunar, and then for it to double as an auto guider camera at a later time.

For the sub £200 bracket; would others agree that this is a good choice?

Thank you,


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i got it about a week ago and have been using it for the past 2 nights for the 1st time as a guider and i cant fault it, even with my terrible light pollution ....street light shining in my garden....full moon etc, ive still got ample stars to choose from, its one sensitive chip! cant wait to try it for some planetary.... i have the mono version btw, i love it, its so tiny and light, one sexy bit of kit IMO :) i did come from an SPC900 tho lol

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I echo the above comments, I too have the mono version. Great little camera!! 

Its very sensitive on planets, the sun and for guiding.

When guiding I can usually see the dso target in my phd window with it which never happened with the web cam i used to use.

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I have both the mono & colour versions. The mono is by far the better camera for guiding but I prefer the ease of use of the colour for planetary work, but that's just me being lazy!

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Bought the colour version a few weeks ago now. Only been out with it three times and haven't had a chance to process the second two nights videos yet, but based on the first nights images (very bad seeing) it's a great camera. Very happy with it. The only problem I have is that EZPlanetary and SharpCap lock up occasionally but that is probably more to do with my old laptop than the camera!


I also came from the SPC900NC like Martin.

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Bought the colour version a few weeks ago now. Only been out with it three times and haven't had a chance to process the second two nights videos yet, but based on the first nights images (very bad seeing) it's a great camera. Very happy with it. The only problem I have is that EZPlanetary and SharpCap lock up occasionally but that is probably more to do with my old laptop than the camera!

Naah, EzCapture crashes frequently, not the laptop. I have a intel I5 with USB 3 and it still manges to flood the USB bus and crash it.

to stop it crashing slow the FPS on larger ROI going larger than 800x600 is the main culprits.(don't tick fast speed or play with the usb speed setting.)

If you do and it does crash, I find deleting the EzCapture.ini file in the main install directory resets the ezcapture to default settings.

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Hello all,

Following a popular thread I started about a month ago, I wish to ask for some opinions on the following product: QHY5L-II

I am planning to buy it for planetary/lunar, and then for it to double as an auto guider camera at a later time.

For the sub £200 bracket; would others agree that this is a good choice?

Thank you,


It does have decent sensor even though the drivers might cause a bit of problem with some applications, the Mono version is £229.00 from Modern Atronomy, the colour version is £184.00.


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I too have just got a QHY5L II (colour). I can already see a big difference from using my trusty SPC900.

EZplan is poor, Sharpcap ok but I am using Firecapture and seems very good.

here is a very quick process of Mars from the other night.



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I brought a colour version as a tester a good while ago now & can't fault it as a camera, I don't like EZP much so you would probably be better off using a different capture program. I have also used it for guiding a couple of times now & it seems to work ok.

Here's a Mars image I did with it from last month.



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I brought a colour version as a tester a good while ago now & can't fault it as a camera, I don't like EZP much so you would probably be better off using a different capture program. I have also used it for guiding a couple of times now & it seems to work

How does it compare against your Canon 1000D?


Sent from my GT-N7105 using Tapatalk

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How does it compare against your Canon 1000D?


Sent from my GT-N7105 using Tapatalk

If you mean comparing the 1000D with the QHY5L-II for planetary then the QHY knocks the spots off it, if you mean for DSO's I haven't managed to try my QHY out on those yet but there are folk that have & had some pretty good results.

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If you mean comparing the 1000D with the QHY5L-II for planetary then the QHY knocks the spots off it, if you mean for DSO's I haven't managed to try my QHY out on those yet but there are folk that have & had some pretty good results.

This would be planetary. Interesting. Thanks for that. The QHY is sounding even more like a bargain!

Sent from my GT-N7105 using Tapatalk

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