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My wife has purchased a Danubia delta 30 telescope, label on side shows "D=114mm F=1000mm, coated optics", it has plossl eye pieces at 10mm and 20mm with a barlow lens, a 1.5 x erecting ep and a moon filter. Cost was around £200.

Just a couple of questions lol:

Is it any good? apart from the mount (which is an eq2 mount which should also include some sort of motor, still waiting for it) we seeing more or less same as our £40-£50 telescope.

Does it need collimatimg straight out of box? If it does thats us stuck cos we don't understand that bit.

Apart from having good view of moon, mars is either just a white dot or not visible, and not seeing anything good of jupiter or saturn, and we can't seem to get anything like stars.

Any help would be very much appreciated,

Thanks Dave

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The erecting eyepiece makes the image the right way up and left to right. Might have been included for terrestrial use, but otherwise it's just a potential source of light loss.

I have to say £200 does seem a lot.

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Whether this is any good or not is very subjective and depends on whether you want to get into astronomy or just get it out every now and then and look at the moon etc. If asked to recommend a scope for £200 it is not the one I would choose but you have it now so make the best of it!

EQ2 with a motor drive should track things for a bit to make looking at stuff for extended periods a little easier if you align properly.

Eyepieces are unlikely to be the kind of thing that an experienced and dedicated regular observer would choose and are unlikely to rival EPs that cost even as little as £40 each but then you didn't pay that much so you could just point it at stuff and see if you like it, or alternatively if you have the option to return (missing motor could justify refund?) then get something like this for an extra fiver.


If you don't want to tackle collimating then a little refractor (no mirror to collimate, has a lens instead) might be more up your street, like this:


depends how into it you are likely to get really.

Oh, and the erecting EP makes stuff look right way up and not flipped in any way.


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I agree with m37 for the extra £5 the 150p would have been the way to go.I believe they sell Danubian in Argos andAmazon and the 114 may be of a bird jones design so collimation may not so simple.Maybe there is some way you could get a refund,hope this helps

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Thanks for the help, much appreciated, at the moment we are waiting confirmation from argos of a collection day, then when we comeback off holiday we will start scouting round again, thanks again Dave

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Thanks, it has now been returned, argos have even removed it from website while we was waiting for return confirmation, gotta save up n buy a better scope

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for the money you was going to spend(did spend) get the 150 dobsonian from the site sponsor flo, they are great, or go secondhand and look on astronomy buy and sell. good luck buddy

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Thanks, it has now been returned, argos have even removed it from website while we was waiting for return confirmation, gotta save up n buy a better scope

glad you got a refund - +1 for site sponsors flo - they occasionally have some good deals, and are very good for advice.

Steve is an astronomer too so knows his stuff :)

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