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Surface detail on Mars

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Hi everyone,

I took some pictures of Mars using a SW200P, SPC900 and a 5x powermate. Stacked them using Registax. I used no filters.

I am pleased with the results but I know I have some way to go to getting better images. If anyone would like to offer any criticism that would be appreciated. 

However, I am posting in this section because I was wondering whether anyone would be so kind as to help me identify the surface detail of what I have captured.

The early Mars image appears to show a circular feature which I hope is a volcano rather than a bit of dirt on my camera. Could this be the Elysium Region?

Does the second image show Syrtis Major?

Some confirmation would be really helpful.

Thanks for looking.




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Fine results indeed Ian, Mars isn't that red, but I'm not nit picking honest.

Some great detail there of those named features.

Any improvements you can make over  these shots,

will raise your Planetary imaging rating to a higher level.

Great job matey :icon_salut: :icon_salut:.


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Well done Ian, Mars is a difficult subject at any time, as you may well gather from the many threads from those trying to image the Planet. If you have a Birthday due, ask for a copy of Patrick Moore`s Data Book of Astronomy, it has a wealth of detail on all matters astronomical, it covers the red planet and the others in some detail, it is an extremely good read as well :) 

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Great pictures :)

The CalSky website will show you how Mars (or indeed just about any object) looked at the time. http://www.calsky.com

You can mouse hover over the features to see the names. Looks like you definitely caught Olympus Mons :)

Thanks for sharing this link. A fantastic way to learn even more about what we look at. I see the importance of logging and recording what you see with every viewing session as then you can look it up and compare and learn further. This is particularly good for Mars as I can now make sense of the subtle markings on the surface and the significance of their shapes with respect to where/what it is I am actually seeing.  :laugh:

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