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Europa begins transit


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Had an hour or so tonight, but last night was clear all night, and about time too,

observed the transit of Ganymede, the shadow stands out so well, and the seeing

was not to bad at all, but tonight was not to good, so I observed the Moon, enjoyable


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I've been following it but there is a lot of cloud passing. Didn't realise it was due, just happened to put my scope out and saw Europa was very close to the limb about 19:30. By around 20:45 the shadow was fairly central.

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Have to revise my post above. The shadow became visible just some time after 21:00, and was about a quarter the way across the disc by 21:30. What I saw earlier was a dark patch on the belt, which with poor seeing and being a brief glimpse I mistook for the shadow. Seeing has been excellent for the past hour or so and the sky clear. Great sight.

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Hi Guys.  Been viewing the same. Bit wobbly on the atmosphere front near me. Watched shadow transit and saw Europa pop out again bout 22.20.  Not a bad nite at all.

Getting some good detail in fits and starts only.

First trip out in a week or two, so thankful for small mercy's.  Good stuff !!!!!

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I had a look at Jupiter tonight, thought it might have been the GRS I was looking at. Did seem a bit small and round to be the GRS though. So it did cross my mind that maybe it was a transit.

Good seeing tonight between clouds, a bit windy though.

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The moons shadows are easy enough to see against the disk but I find the disks of the moons themselves as they transit somewhat harder to pick out. At the beginning and end of their transits, when they are near the limbs of the planet, they seem to me to be easier to see because the contrast of the planets surface seems to darken near the limbs so the moons disks stand out more.

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As a rookie I was delighted to get a clear night in Hampshire and see Jupiter through my 8" DOB and 5mm EP (lots of nudging).

Very, very clear and steady from here.  But it was only after the event that what I'd thought was eyepiece dirt turned out to have been Europa!!

So by the time I took some photos the main event was over... 

I confirmed afterwards using Solarwalk iOS app that it was Europa - and this then set me to predict more transits.

But of course the weather is awful for the rest of this week - especially tomorrow when there's two moons transiting simultaneously around 8pm.  Damn.

Best night with my 'scope yet.

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