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Sky at Night vs Astronomy Now

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Well, after looking at both February issues I think I've decided which subscription to go with... and it's a complete about face. I'm going to subscribe to The Sky at Night for the following two reasons:

  • [li]The Sky at Night seems a little "lightweight" in places whereas Astronomy Now seems geared more toward the enthusiast.[/li]

[li]The Sky at Night is more expensive and the included CD is of questionable value.

I think I was a bit quick dismissing TS@N as lightweight as I'm finding the February issue very interesting, and after looking at the CD I've changed my mind about that also (fickle or what? :?). I thought the first part of Chris Lintott's interview with Gene Cernan (~40 mins) was in itself worth the price of this issue.

I've heard Cernan speak before of his Gemini 9, Apollo 10 and Apollo 17 flights but I never get tired of listening to the man. His enthusiasm for his subject is infectious and never fails to inspire, even though he must have told these stories thousands of times in the intervening years. If he hadn't been an astronaut he would have made a brilliant teacher.

And the second reason was highlighted by Dave below... there isn't any financial incentive to subscribe to AN, whereas £9.49 for 3 issues of TS@N isn't bad. I can still pick up AN at the newsagent each month if need be.

I subscribe to S@N as there is a significant financial advantage in doing so [and] I buy AN from my local newsagent each month, as the financial advantage offered by AN to their subscribers is a mean pittance, and I'd sooner let my local newsagent earn a few pence from it.

Sorted! Thanks folks for the help and please believe me when I say I have no affiliation with the BBC whatsoever :D


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I have bought two telescopes from the US as I refuse to pay the rip of Britain prices :D

Robert :saturn:

Excuse my ignorance Robert but don't you have to pay import duty on gear you buy from the US?

No ! as both where under £100 there was no import duty or vat !

Robert :saturn:


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I thought the first part of Chris Lintott's interview with Gene Cernan (~40 mins) was in itself worth the price of this issue.

Superb interview, I am really looking forward to part two - Gene is now on my special 'dinner party' list which includes, Dennis Healey, Margaret Thatcher, Patrick Moore and Jennifer Aniston ...... although not necessarily in that order ....

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I've been getting both for a little while now & like different aspects of each.

In S@N I like the comparative reviews (in contrast the AN reviews tend to all be very positive and in isolation it's hard to tell what is being recommended), the interviews on the back page, and generally find the articles a bit more varied and to my taste.

Astronomy Now feels a little less polished, has some very good technical articles but the writing style is more techy journal than journalist (a plus if it's something I'm familiar with and already interested in). It veers quite widely in quality too - the buying your first telescope/binoculars/eyepieces articles are a bit too broad brush and don't actually give anything more than a very basic overview. I prefer the AN observers guide (the sky tour is usually very well put together).

I like the astrophotos in both.

I'd prefer to buy one magazine with the strengths of both, but in the meantime I'm happy to pick up the pair while I'm finding my feet with the hobby again.

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LOOK at them all in your local news agent. Then buy the one that

is relevent too your needs at that time. I don't see the point in buying a mag, if their is nothing in it that does not interest you at that particular time..

Geoff..----- :nono:

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  • 2 years later...

Continuing this somewhat older thread now, can anyone advise whether S&T magazine is available to purchase in the U.K. without taking out an expensive overseas subscription - i.e. is it available in W H Smiths?


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I like Sky and Telescope, but it has been dumbed down over the years. However, it is still one of the best amateur mag available and I have a oversea subscription, which still worked out cheaper than buying from WHSmith every month.

I prefer Astronomy Now over Sky at Night for UK magazine and I'd buy a copy of AN if I happen to be in WHSmith. AN has more science articles and more detailed observing guide, while S@N is more suitable for beginners. AN's equipment review is better written, where as I often wonder whether S@N reviewer have ever used the equipment they were reviewing.

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I have a subscription to S&N that was bought for my birthday but will probably not re-new this year. Will skim through them all in the reference library (WH Smiths) and take the one that looks most interesting that month. Which is usually the American publication Astronomy......it went off the boil through the late 90's and early 00's but is almost back to where it was in the 80's now. I love the US ads, seeing all the kit we can't get over here.. And i like the articles.

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A number of us on SGL write for one mag or the other so you have to be careful!!

To be 'up front' I write irregularly for Astronomy Now, mainly on the reviews side. The magazines have a different tone and a slightly different intended readership, I think.

As a reviewer I like the freedom I have in AN to choose an angle and format which best fits the product. If a scope is obviously aimed at the imager, then that will dominate my review. I can tell you straight that I have never been put under pressure to review favourably. If I am enthusiastic it is because that is how I feel about the product. For example, I was not asked to play down the staggering purchase price of the Tak FSQ I reviewed and I opened my article with that very point. If I really had nothing good to say about a product I suppose I would decline to review it. I'd love an optical bench for testing but I have to make do with a good sky instead!

I know at least one SGL member who writes for S at N and I strongly suspect that he, as I do, values his reputation on this forum and in the wider community more than anywhere else.

I've said this before but one thing I love about the French mag Astronomie is that it features four amateur images each month, each being given a full page, a frame, title and credit, and nothing else goes on the page.

I'm always chuffed to get one in there for this reason.


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Exactly as Olly says. At least three people on here write for S@N and are all good people, who know their stuff. Olly and I write for AN and their editor and deputy editor are also members here. AN, like Olly says, my only desire would be a test bench to match up to the French mags...apart from that concur with Olly 100%

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Continuing this somewhat older thread now, can anyone advise whether S&T magazine is available to purchase in the U.K. without taking out an expensive overseas subscription - i.e. is it available in W H Smiths?


Yes, but not every newsagent will have on shelf. You can ask them to get it for you though....

I have a S@N subscription and buy AN (I may as well subscribe tbh!) often. Enjoy both for different reasons, faults with both, good bits with both.

Besides, what else can I read in the bath...... :icon_eek:

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For me recently S@N has been filling the magazine with some trash parts just to fill it out so ive stopped buying it

The articles on cosmic cookery last year were really dire examples of this...

I just buy AN when I feel like it really, but now I can find out much more online than any magazine... but sometimes its just nice to have one to read.

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Yes, but not every newsagent will have on shelf. You can ask them to get it for you though....

I have a S@N subscription and buy AN (I may as well subscribe tbh!) often. Enjoy both for different reasons, faults with both, good bits with both.

Besides, what else can I read in the bath...... :icon_eek:

As stated by Helen elsewhere, the bath is the last refuge of the printed word against the onslaught of the Kindle!! (Could I become a millionaire and Paramount owner by quickly patenting the floating e-reader??)

Comes with a free copy of ... 3000 Leagues Under The Sea as standard. I was going to say a free copy of a certain well known American whaling classic until I read the post through and thought better of it!!!


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I have a S@N subscription and buy AN (I may as well subscribe tbh!) often. Enjoy both for different reasons, faults with both, good bits with both.

Me too, most months i do end up buying them all by the end of the month. Hard to resist making a b-line for Smiths and grabbing the mag i haven't bought.

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I was going to say a free copy of a certain well known American whaling classic until I read the post through and thought better of it!!!


I do wish people would post a warning before making statements like this..... 2nd time today I've had to wipe tea off my screen!!


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I have had a subsription forS@N for 3 years now and tend to buy the odd copy of Astronomy Now, as has been said both have their merits, I think it would be great if there was a magazine dedicated more to reviews of equipment, there's so much kit out there and very little on how it performs. I think its just as well SGL is available to us so giving people a chance to decide which piece of kit they may well buy next.


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