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Hello from an Essex new boy.


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Hi All,


I have always had an interest in space but have never followed it up until now. I treated myself to a skywatcher 1145P goto for Xmas and finally got it out of the box two nights ago. Had a little trouble setting up the goto so stuck to manual, but managed to see Jupiter and the four large moons!


I have joined my local astronomy group and am looking forward to many discoveries in my new hobby.


You will most likely find me in the beginner section asking stupidly obvious questions.

See you there,


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Hi Ben welcome to the lounge,

you will enjoy it here in S G L, lot's of help and advice,

joining your local club is a good start too, you can't get

enough help at the beginning of this great hobby. Enjoy!

Good Luck and Clear Sky's

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello all and thanks for the warm welcome.


I've managed to do Jupiter again, but I am struggling somewhat with my goto and working out the sky through my reflector.

When I get a minute I will put a post up in the "Getting Started" part of the forum.

Thanks again,


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