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TELRAD Issues? or Not?


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TELRAD Issues? or Not?

My TELRAD arrived safely, and because it switches on/off,  and I always seem to get the duds through the post,  I have to inspect them as soon as they arrive (even though its a Christmas present)  I even sign "NOT CHECKED" on the delivery man's computer, in-case it has to go back,  and after 10 minutes trying to locate some batteries and the  initial switch on, I was quite disappointed. I'm also trying to explain my concerns to my Mrs, but it goes to deaf ears, as she's more interested in her TV! However I digress

So What's wrong? Firstly, the reticule that is displayed was not crystal clear as portrayed in the adverts, so my initial thoughts, it may need collimating, so out with the Mag-lite trying to have a good look inside, I discover that the reticle is glued into place, so unlikely that I`ll be able to collimate or remove without some sort of damage. On further assessment, the red reticle sight seemed to look like several concentric circles maybe 4-5 for each ring. Blurry and over lapping. Really bad with right eye. not so bad with left eye, slightly better with both eyes, PERFECT WITH MY GLASSES ON! So I'm going to have to wear my glasses when looking through the finder. I only wear glasses for driving and fishing, nothing else!  So my eyes are at fault, not the reticule. I also noted the dimmer function is brief with short travel. I thought there would be more of a gradual reduction in brightness over the range of the switch. Its almost on-off, but not in relation to the switch travel?

Secondly, my experience of HUD's and Rifle sights seem to differ with this finder? I imagined that if you mounted this finder onto, say an Explorer 200P on an EQ, you would be able to stand at the back end of the telescope and still align the reticle on target. This is not the case. Your eye still has to be fairly close to the finder to see the whole of the reticule. My assumption was that these finders were easier to use and sight, over a standard 9x50 finder-scope. So some of you may still have to twist and contort to be as close as possible to the clear glass window, if EQ Mounted?

Lastly, my overall concern was how to mount the device. I'm not over-keen on sticky pads, and  I notice on my telescope that the circumference of the OTA does not match the dovetail mount and therefore in my estimation, only about 50% of the sticky pads already fitted to the Telrad base will actually be in contact with the scope. My intentions were to bolt the assembly to the OTA, but I may get away with either putting some larger / thicker double sided foam padding to hold in place, further secured by 2 large tie-wraps which will pass either side of the focuser and the original finder-scope, passing through the base of the Telrad mount ( belt and braces security!)

All that said, I`m looking forward to actually trying it out next week.

I mentioned earlier, I often receive faulty  goods, through the post, so whatever the occasion, I'll always test  straight away. perhaps they break through rough handling? I'm sure this Telrad will work as effectively as those before me have already witnessed. If I can t overcome any of my associated minor issues, then 1x Telrad will become available shortly after Christmas. Hopefully not.

For most of you, this report will be a non-issue, and you`ll get on great with the new toy. Merry Christmas.

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I don't think there's anything wrong with it from your description. Not having good eyesight is not an issue with the product surely?

the reticule will naturally take up more of the viewfinder the further you are away from it (and vice versa) as this is how it maintains a 1x mnagnification on the background sky. I know of other who have a 3m focal length (22" f5 dob) and use it from the ground with no issues (although they see just the central circle).

the sticky pads are fine with all my scopes from 6" - 16" in mirror size and have never fallen off. they are more than adequate.

personally, I'd just fit it and then use it. I think you'll find it great once used to it. I though use dob mounts not EQ as I cannot stand EQ for visual.

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I think it is divergence between expectations and reality :grin:

I got my Rigel yesterday and similarly I have found that my eye had to be very close to the display to see the target whole and sharp.
I also have found that using it without glasses (I am short sighted) gave results in keeping with my eyes - i.e. LH was bad and would only be usable with corrective glasses, RH was OK

As far as mounting it has to cater for all different tube diameters and will not fit very well on some of them. You will have to use your ingenuity to solve this problem.

Having said all this - within minutes of being fitted to my scope it has totally transformed my ability to get round the sky without getting lost.

I am still using my RACI finderscope, but wouldn't be without my x1 finder :laugh:

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I have a Telrad and have been more than happy with it, the sticky pads are fine, my 10" would have less sticky area than your 8" and mine never came unstuck to remove the base i needed a hairdryer to loosen its grip, the view through the recital i have looked through it from the base area of my Reflector with the Telrad mounted the other end around 3' no problem with that, the on/off switch dimmer is a bit tight for the amount of travel but it does allow a really dim set of circles, as for waering glasses i found it the other way have to remove them or i get multiply circles, would i buy another, certainly there very good at what they do, you may just need a bit of time to get used to using it......

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.........I Was eager to test last night, so looked out and weather was overcast and raining. later in the evening it clears up, so I put the scope outside to cool for a while. About 40 minutes later whilst  typing on the computer, something didn't sound right in the garden. Its  now chucking it down with rain, and my telescopes cover is two gardens away with  the wind ? Fortunately, the scope was close enough to the wall of the house, not  to get soaked in the deluge, and my surprised neighbours even invited me in for a drink, to talk about telescopes?   :cool:

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Sorry to crash this post but I'm wondering with it being smaller footprint,would the rigel version fit on a heritage 130p ok?

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk

For a Heritage 130, I do think the smaller & lighter Rigel would be a better choice than a Telrad. Are you not happy with the supplied RDF ?

But is there room on the H 130 upper tube ring ( the one that has the focuser as an integral part ) to fit another finder ?  You could fit it to the solid lower section of the tube, but it may well be a hassle to place your eye in the right place, especially when aiming at a high elevation.

Regards, Ed.

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.....I'm still waiting for an opportunity to test my Telrad, aligned on the telescope, the nights are just too cloudy because of the weather systems the UK is getting right now.  I hand held the device the other night, just looking at my surroundings and it looks good, but I need to wear my glasses to see the reticle as a clearly defined image. I will now  have to  see if I can wear my glasses when using the eyepieces and my telescope, as I don't normally need them at the telescope. What I have discovered (after tempory fitting )is that its actually harder to reach the Telrad sight, being further away from the focuser, compared to the original finder scope? Maybe I should remove the 9x50 scope and refit the Telrad in place of the 9x50. I actually get on great without glasses using my set-up and the default finder, but in darker sites, I can see a need for an illuminated reticle. Hopefully, a clear night will arrive soon. I'm off to compare GSO with Panaview (32mm) in the meantime.

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kerrylewis..........I use similar for my fishing, but have never worn glasses for Astronomy? I`ll either get used to wearing them for the Telrad, or find that its best to wear them all the time, or rid myself of the Telrad.  Just wish the weather would pick up and let us out at night. At least the weather is mild at present with all the clouds?

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I've got 2 Telrads and spare bases on other scopes. It is possible to sand down the bases to better fit large ota's. I really love using them for the simplicity and accuracy of using them. You don't want to be fiddling around with Allen bolts on a rdf in the dark.

Without glasses I wouldn't see stars, so pointing the Telrad at anything , they are a must. I've used them from a foot away and from far down the ota without issue. Both finders have behaved impeccably and are kind on battery usage. The very dullest setting is ideal for faint objects and the brightest can centre you on the terminator.

The only adaption that I've made is a full length dew shield made with an A4 black foam sheet and stickies.

My good friend LeeB has made a much improved reticle finder from scratch . This uses a reticle of tiny dots and the ability to turn off the inner ring. I'm sure he'd like to hear from anyone interested in the Leerad .


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... My good friend LeeB has made a much improved reticle finder from scratch . This uses a reticle of tiny dots and the ability to turn off the inner ring. I'm sure he'd like to hear from anyone interested in the Leerad ...

I am always interested - how do we find out more about it?

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If your having issues using your Telrad, you may have a need for either a 2' or the 4' riser accessory.

And, yes, the switch has a small area  when dimming at the far end of its' travel but I find it as a non issue.

The base with its' sticky foam tape works great on my AD1, and with my DIY dew protector, it is all and more

than I expected of it.

Most agree that for the price it has to be the most effective, least expensive astro buy out there.

I hope you come to terms with it as it'll treat you well even after you have left it on for several days in a row

and the batteries are still good! 

Pics of mine mounted..





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Bobble, on 30 Dec 2013 - 9:41 PM, said:
If your having issues using your Telrad, you may have a need for either a 2' or the 4' riser accessory.
Your Telrad is much nearer to the focuser than mine. Not sure the riser would work as well for my needs, But I'll investigate more. My pic shows a basic dew shield knocked up in 5 mins, and the temporary fitted tie wraps.
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  • 4 weeks later...

Read your post Charic a few days ago and thought this ain't right as you say, it is clear you have a mypoic (short sighted) aspect to your vision, therefore anything close to should be clear and sharp, I am the same having a -1.75 ish prescritpion. 

Clearly the bulls eye is projected onto the screen that is within the near vision aspect of your vision. 

Yesterday my Telrad arrived and by the grace of you know who upstairs, the sky's cleared so I could go out and play. Fist impression was this is great, circles are clear and no problem, however when I popped the spex on to see a faint star after lining the Telrad up on Jupiter, guess what? Yep them circles were more defined and sharper.

That confused the hell out of me (remember, my day job is with eyesight (optician)).

As it stands my only assumption is the image is somehow projected at infinity, hence why it is sharper with correction. I have emailed a mate of mine who works at BAE on the typoon up the road at Warton, he is going to have a chat to a mucker in the HUD dept to see if he can make a little more sense from it and just how the HUD works with the human brain/ eyesight.

I have a feeling it is just confusing the brain into thinking the apparent position of the bulls eye is in the distance not the actual position which is near.

I shall update once spoken to the HUD geek and one or two chaps on our optical forums.

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Ok so far the general opinion so far at work is possibly instrument myopia, although there is no real evidence that suggests why this happens but what we are talking here is that the eye and brain are perceiving the distance of the rings which is having an effect on the accommodation (what the eye see's)

I shall update if we decide on something else.

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Sorry to crash this post but I'm wondering with it being smaller footprint,would the rigel version fit on a heritage 130p ok?

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk

Personally I think the rdf is fine on the Heritage. I don't think there is anything much to be gained, but each to their own, perhaps others find different putting a rigel on it. Even the stock 25m eyepiece gives 2 degrees, and you could go higher than that with eyepiece upgrades, that is a large area of sky already, so the Heritage is  a decent good finder in its own right.

With a bit of practice finding things with the RDF and heritage is one of it nice features in a starter scope. As long as you can see the reference stars it works really well, In light polluted skies it can be a problem if you can't see enough, but the same would be true if you got the rigel.

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Fypunky.......Hi again, If only the weather would clear up, for a proper dark sky test.

You mentioned HUDs.  I've was in the military for many years (out now)and have probably seen through every HUD since the F4's to today's Tornado's. Didn't actually get the chance to sit in the Typhoon. But never had a problem with the information in the HUD's for real.

The last time, I was out with telescope, I tried to wear my glasses whilst using the telescope, and its not comfortable.

I may try a 2" riser, that has been suggested, to assist with the actual reach/position (a 2" riser wont actually help with the clarity of the reticle) If I'm not happy, then the Telrad may well get auctioned, maybe buy my last lens? I noticed your prescription. I also have  -1.75 on my right eye!

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When I first got my Telrad I thought it was faulty because the reticule was blurry (looked like 2 sets of overlapping circles), however taking a photo of the circles showed this to be related to stereo vision and not a real fault (the image of the reticule in the photo was pin sharp). I discovered that the blurry image resolves to pin sharp in use, because you're looking through the bullseye, not at it, so you're eyes relax to infinity. I'd wait until you have a chance to try it out in the field before selling it on.

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When I first got my Telrad I thought it was faulty because the reticule was blurry (looked like 2 sets of overlapping circles), however taking a photo of the circles showed this to be related to stereo vision and not a real fault (the image of the reticule in the photo was pin sharp). I discovered that the blurry image resolves to pin sharp in use, because you're looking through the bullseye, not at it, so you're eyes relax to infinity. I'd wait until you have a chance to try it out in the field before selling it on.

Planetesimal........I hear what your saying, and that is just about how I'm seeing the reticules, without glasses. With my glasses on, Its absolutely perfect, so its got to be my own eyes, not the Telrad itself, But I don't  really want to just have to wear glasses for the Telrad alone. 

I have just sought permission to use the grounds to a local building. Should be very dark, however, on the Day of permission, the building was robbed? so haven't been just yet. Was actually waiting for a letter to say, hold off for a while, until things are sorted, but its a week ago, and no stop letter just yet, so maybe I should just go. I don't have to call anyone, I have the letter to produce, if someone requires the reason for me being on site? but I  do need to test at a darker site. Its the only reason I bought the Telrad.

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