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My name is Serge and I live in the North-East US. I'm a toal newbie to this :) Just ordered my first set of Orion 10x50 binoculars, looking forward to exploring and learning! Any helpful hints to get started are much appreciated. - Cheers!

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Hi, Serge, and welcome to SGL! One of the tools many of us on here use to find our way around and plan a viewing session is the free planetarium sofware "Stellarium". This is customisable for your own location and sky conditions, and will show you were things are in the sky, and help you find them. Downloadable here: http://stellarium.org/

Hope this helps,


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Hi Serge and welcome to the forum. To compliment Wookies internet link, you might want to also take a look at this site which will provide some useful tips and ideas on using binoculars in addition to the suggested target list that is presented each month. If you are more of a book person, you might want to also consider purchasing "Turn Left at Orion" which details around 100 bright objects to view with modest equipment including binoculars. You can have a look here if you want a taste of the layout and how useful the written instructions are in locating some of these objects.

In the meantime, clear skies and hope you enjoy the forum!


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Hi Serge! You'll find a fantastic international group on this site. Lots of great wisdom. We all learn from each other. Your new 10x50's will reveal some really wonderful Astro-vistas. I love sitting on the back deck with my 10x42's checking out beautiful star fields, to later look-up what It was I just "discovered!" Good fun! Welcome...

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A warm welcome to SGL and have a look at this site it will give you some great observing tips and what to look for,


This looks fantastic! What a great way to start learning the maps and the objects. Thank you for the awesome link Wookie.

Hi Serge welcome to the lounge

Try this link http://binocularsky.com/ all the information you need 

to find your way with bins.

Good Luck and Clear Sky's

Ron, a wealth of information. Thank you. I had no idea that there is a right and wrong way to hold binoculars. Just have to figure out how to keep my 4 yo from spreading the peanut butter and jelly all over the lenses :) Liked the different object lookup functions - someone really put a lot of TLC into that site!

Hi, Serge, and welcome to SGL! One of the tools many of us on here use to find our way around and plan a viewing session is the free planetarium sofware "Stellarium". This is customisable for your own location and sky conditions, and will show you were things are in the sky, and help you find them. Downloadable here: http://stellarium.org/

Hope this helps,


Hey Martin, I think I remember seeing an earlier version of this tool. Very cool indeed. Thanks for the link!

Hi Serge and welcome to the forum. To compliment Wookies internet link, you might want to also take a look at this site which will provide some useful tips and ideas on using binoculars in addition to the suggested target list that is presented each month. If you are more of a book person, you might want to also consider purchasing "Turn Left at Orion" which details around 100 bright objects to view with modest equipment including binoculars. You can have a look here if you want a taste of the layout and how useful the written instructions are in locating some of these objects.

In the meantime, clear skies and hope you enjoy the forum!


Hey James, funny you mentioned this book. I happened to order it at the same time with the binocs. Have to admit, I was kind of waffling back and forth on it for a while. But after I saw your post, I feel much better. Thanks!

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My pleasure Serge! It's a great book with plenty of objects to keep you going through all the seasons. The written instructions on how to find the objects are pretty comprehensive along with the background information too. 

Look forward to reading up on what you have been observing - enjoy the forum!


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