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WADAS (Wakefield and District Astronomical Society)

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My god what I missed over night can no one sleep. Hope every ones cams work ok and welcome Neil. Will see every one to night have a good day all Mark

I ended up later in bed that I hoped, but it seemed a shame to miss an hour of clear skies. Time for work, then I might have a nap this afternoon lol. See you tonight :)

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Ill be there tonight, might be a bit grumpy depending on the outcome of the engine light that lite up on the car last night lol

Don't u just hate them. Might not be too bad fingers crossed.


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You're up late Damian... ;) working?

Weather looking good for the next two nights, don't the cloud gods know we have already committed our time? Maybe they do! ;)

Yeah was just climbing in bed at that point after a very long night

See all you guy's later at the meeting

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Had a play with the webcam on the 80mm refractor. The image is much larger than I thought it was going to be, but I am struggling with focus, brightness etc. Is the strange purple colour to do with having no IR filter? I cannot see how to alter the gain, but maybe I can't on my webcam. The sun probably wasn't the best thing to practice on, but we haven't go the moon at the moment lol. Anyway, at least I know it all works if I decide to have a go at the moon another time :)

The Sun 19.05.2015 (webcam).wmv

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Hi Leigh

Just tried the vx3000 in the draw tube and it fits just nicely

Do I have to replace the ir filter after I remove the lens


I didn't,  not bothered on any webcam I have modded,  

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Great talk by Jerry followed by a lovely meal with fab company. There's never a dull moment lol. Might just complete the perfect evening with half an hour in the garden with the scope and a night cap :)

Especially when you've got Gain at the dinner table!

Looks superb out too although I'm up at 5 so straight to bed for me

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Excellent talk. Jerry is obviously am accomplished speaker. Shame some of you missed it. Company afterwards was also excellent. Now I'm of to bed for a change I'm knackered. ;)

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Well, I have just come back in after a lovely half an hour with the 80mm refractor. "Borrowed" the neighbours front yard for a clear view of Saturn. Glad they were obviously asleep as they would have been wondering who was in their yard lol. Saturn was so tiny in the small scope, but still a sight to behold. Could not make out the Cassini division this evening, although it was starting to get a little hazy. Even dragged Luke back out of bed to come and have a look as he has never seen it before. The high cloud started to spoil the party, so it was back up to my own front yard for a quick turn onto Jupiter. All 4 Galilean moons are close to Jupiter, with Ganymede and Callisto very close to each other. So pleased I decided to stop up just another half an hour and was rewarded with spectacular views of a planet and a non-planet lol :)

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