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WADAS (Wakefield and District Astronomical Society)

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Evening all,

Myself and Kieran are presently attending the Galloway star party and arrived on Wednesday.

It's been a mixed bag up to now but we've seen some starry skies every night which wasn't what the forecast would have you believe.

Last night we managed a fair spell of 3 hours without cloud cover which caught a lot by surprise.

The milkyway became visible nearly horizon to horizon and having not set up I wandered round looking through MK1 eyeball and a pair of very large bins (25x110) easily picking out M33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 51, 81, 82 and NGC3077, 884, 869 which looked spectacular through such a wide field view.

Kieran managed to get set up but as is the usual case with imaging rigs things just didn't instantly play ball so he didn't manage any imaging but at least its aligned ready for sat and maybe Sunday night which are going to be stunning all according to the forecast.We shall wait and see.

At present it's windy and showery so not the best camping weather but keeping our spirits up (as well as downing a few) We are flying the WADAS flag in a different country ;-)

Clear skies


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I really wish I could have gone to galloway! I haven't been out for about a month now and it's getting to me! I've got two trips to London this week so I doubt I'll get any chance of seeing anything! I can't go out when I've finished work tonight because of Going to london in the morning :( all will be revealed tomorrow afternoon though, good or bad news!

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I am sure Kieran will get some fantastic pics then with the new CCD.

As for imaging Matt I wanted to get out but had some work to do now finished but got to catch up on some sleep after a late night out in Leeds last night. ;)

Let's hope it's good news then Sam. Are you any closer to deciding about coming up to Kielder?

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I am sure Kieran will get some fantastic pics then with the new CCD.

As for imaging Matt I wanted to get out but had some work to do now finished but got to catch up on some sleep after a late night out in Leeds last night. ;)

Let's hope it's good news then Sam. Are you any closer to deciding about coming up to Kielder?

Soupy it's going amazingly ccd is amazing I'll post a pic in nxt few mins.

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Wow that's awesome Kieran... Well done, can't wait for you to get some more subs and do some processing.

Are you going to do some Oiii and make a colour version?

Already shot an hour in RGB not got enough filter room for rest of narrowband but this will do for first light. Also shooting widefield Milkyway. Cygnus at 70mm. Orion at 70mm hoping to catch Banards loop. Also nxt target with ccd is horse and flame Neb.

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I really wish I could have gone to galloway! I haven't been out for about a month now and it's getting to me! I've got two trips to London this week so I doubt I'll get any chance of seeing anything! I can't go out when I've finished work tonight because of Going to london in the morning :( all will be revealed tomorrow afternoon though, good or bad news!

It gets us all down Sam so you're not on your own. I had to drive back down from Galloway this aft looking at the clearest skies for 4 days just because I'm working tomorrow morning :mad: .  Keep my fingers crossed that it's good news then but we're due some cold clear nights and they may just be round the corner.  Just glad Kieran is still up there to enjoy them. I'm also very tired so must get some sleep as an inflatable mattress that goes down 4 times a night isn't much fun to sleep on  :angry:

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sammyb i have a friend who's looking for a really good planetary camera with a budget of £800 l. he wants to know whats the best for his money for use with a celestron c11?

That's a massive budget for a planetary camera. I've not kept up on recent developments but ones like the Point Grey Flea3 are what people like Damian Peach use I think. The most sensitive are monochrome used with RGB filter wheels. Not sure you'd get the optimal conditions in the UK often enough to make it worth laying out that much. The ZWO camera seem to be well thought of. I use an imaging source one - colour as I can't be bothered faffing with filter wheels.

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my thoughts were similar to yours Sammyb. My friend is a guy who seems to have more money than he does sense lol i recommended honing his skills on cheaper stuff untik he finds what he prefers imaging and then build up his equipment for that - but he seems to think more expensive equipment will do the job he wants without having to figure anything out lol on the other hand I've just spent 10 mins stood on my doorstep with my bins gazing at M42, M45 and Hyades and Jupiter on the horizon so I've managed to at least satisfy myself lol

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It's been the first clear evening for a while so I've managed to get out and give the new binoculars a go for an hour. Like yourself Sam, I've been viewing M31, M45 and had a go at M42. Got a list of Messier objects viewable with 10x50 binoculars and got a couple crossed off the list. Didn't see Jupier as I wasn't aware it was up! I'll have to look on the app to see where it is and if I can see it from my house lol. Great pic Kieran - very impressed!

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OMG am seriously worn out last 6 hours running around controlling 4 cameras one after the other is unbelievably exhausting especially after 2 hours sleep but is well worth it as captured more data tonight than ever would in 4 weeks still another 5 hours to go and a 4 hour drive home.

God I love Astrophotography especially when everything goes to plan.

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