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My tutorial for installing, setting up and using AstroTortilla


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Hi guys,

Is unlucky me again.

I am amazed how you all have no issues working with AT. Perhaps I'm a moron. 

This evening I tried to use AT under real sky.

If I do not check  "sync scope" or "re-slew" or "repeat...", AT solve the plate in under 10 sec. But if I check those options, the program freeze and is impossible for me  even to close it. The message is "re-centering..." and that's it.


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I used AT PA on my EQ8 last night and it went perfectly.  Scope was Esprit 80ED with 460EX camera.  I used Ha to avoid the LP low down.  10s exposure and binned 8x8 and solving took about 10-15s.  But later as the mist came in I went up to 30s exposures. 

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If you asked me about that, I took a break - too nervous.

I swapped the telescopes on the mount - now I'm back to MN. I will try another test in half an hour, now I do some asteroids catch.

Thanks for support. 

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So did you do PA twice in a row and got consistent results?

Carrying on from last time tonight, it wasn't far off considering I hadn't tightened anything up.  Tonight I repeated the altitude adjustment within a few seconds of arc then tightened the hand wheels and repeated the measurement.  In the process the error had changed from 46s too low to 50s too low.  I considered that accurate enough for the time being and went on to the azimuth which started at about half a degree out from last time (when cloud stopped "play").  I got the azimuth error down to 25s and then tightened down but I wasn't able to repeat the measurement because the stars had disappeared.  Within a few seconds the rain started and I had to shut the roof fast.  I'll have to continue another night.  But I was repeating results to within less than a minute of arc, maybe better.

I imagin that tightening down the azimuth bolts may well have upset the altitude very slightly so I shall have to check that again.

Edited by Gina
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I do this a lot :)  Also, I save a solve in the Bookmarks for future use - it works out quicker if you're spending several nights on an object.  You only have to use the bookmark and AT will tell your mount to go to the object.  It will then ask for another image (or take it automatically) and solve that.  It compares the star field with the required position and slews more towards the object.  I'll give you more precise instructions if you would like :)

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Am I right in thinking that once all the files have been downloaded at the initial setup of Astrotortila one no longer needs an internet connection?

A friend of mine has his observatorry in the middle of the sticks with no gsm or broadband.

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Very interesting thread guy's and a lot of very fine tips.

I've just installed AT and looking forward to putting it through it's paces.

My FOV is tiny, 19.7' x 13.0', my slews are just 2 or 3 arcmins off, but I need it spot on for the field to contain my comparison stars for photometry. 

I was thinking of buying Maxpoint (~ 150 dollars :eek: )  but it seems that Astrotortilla is the way to go :grin: .

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I'm really struggling with astrotortilla, I followed this tutorial to the T and no matter what image I load it starts to solve then finds nothing. In contrast, I've loaded dozens of images into Astroart 5, called up the atlas, searched and auto-solved. Not sure what I'm doing wrong, I've checked FOV values and parameters.... this one has got me foxed!

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I have found the problem, it doesnt read Canon 1100D raw files....so I converted them to FITs

I then tried using Pleiades as a image and initially set -objs to 100... still no solving, I then dropped this 50 and it now plate solves....Perfect!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys,

Is unlucky me again.

I am amazed how you all have no issues working with AT. Perhaps I'm a moron. 

This evening I tried to use AT under real sky.

If I do not check  "sync scope" or "re-slew" or "repeat...", AT solve the plate in under 10 sec. But if I check those options, the program freeze and is impossible for me  even to close it. The message is "re-centering..." and that's it.

I finally joined the party last night and gave AT a go.  Many thanks to Gib007 for the excellent tutorial as it was a big help in getting the application configured correctly.

I encountered exactly the same problem with AT hanging with the 're-centering' message after the first plate solve and synch operation.  I'm using Neb3 with a QHY8L and  CdC  & EQMOD with the NEQ6.

After a bit of trial and error I appear to have got it working - I had a few alignment points already saved in EQMOD from my previous alignment process.  If I deleted these from EQMOD, then AT worked nicely. 

Having got over that glitch I was very impressed with AT's capabilities - it makes light work of getting a target centred in the FOV, and I'll definitely be using it on a regular basis from now on.

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So I have downloaded and set this up......slew to a bright star which is a tad off centre, ask it to image and solve, with sync, slew, repeat ticked. It duly images and solves, issues a sync and moves the mount....not to center tho, but to a different position but about the same offset as before, no matter how many times i ask it to center its just moves in random directions but never on center......so program or mount palying silly sods?

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Hi all.I'm stuck to no witch index files to download,i have worked out that my widest field of view is 1.09 and my narrowest is 0.142  but when i look at the index files the ones i require just don't jump out at me :huh: ,can anybody assist please? my ccd camera is the qhy8l with cpc800 telescope and 6.3 focal reducer.

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