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Is a C14 small scope?

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I follow a similar technique with my C11 - which is really awkward to maneuver. I fitted a couple clamps on the Losmandy dovetail to act as an anchor while tightening. They also allow the attachment of a pull handle for better gripping of the telescope.

C11 on NEQ6

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Ted Nugent? Chuck Norris? :D The first one makes me wince slightly though.

A girly man? But I still do loft scopes into pre-installed dovetail bars + rings. ;)

The second one is actually a really GOOD idea... And thanks to the Guy! :) :)

Good that he removes the counterweights at critical moments particularly.

No "chinings" or pinched/severed fingers when the axis clamp fails to hold? :p

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I use the technique from the 2nd video to mount/unmount my C14. It is simple to mount a C14 on your own with this technique and next to impossible without it. You really do have to remember to remove the counterweights at the correct time, only some fast reactions saved my thumb from being smashed off the one time I got that wrong.



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Ive seen these vids before, and i must admit that sometimes that could be me in the 1st clip with my 8se. Some nights it just doesnt want to go on the dovetail. Bit of a problem when holding the scope with one hand and trying to marry it to the dove. I think i may need to put a handle of sorts onto the scope to make life easier.

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I notice he doesn't mention anything about the massive mount, how that thing isn't sinking into the grass I don't know! The heavy mount is my main concern, the NEQ6 is a real chore for me to carry in and out of the house, unfortunately it is over rough ground so a trolly isn't practical. Wish someone would invent an anti-gravity tray or something. In comparison to the NEQ6 my 8SE is light as a feather, I've never really felt the need for handles but I suppose they could help when carrying.

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I notice he doesn't mention anything about the massive mount, how that thing isn't sinking into the grass I don't know! The heavy mount is my main concern, the NEQ6 is a real chore for me to carry in and out of the house, unfortunately it is over rough ground so a trolly isn't practical. Wish someone would invent an anti-gravity tray or something. In comparison to the NEQ6 my 8SE is light as a feather, I've never really felt the need for handles but I suppose they could help when carrying.

Grass is the best surface to observe from. The weight of the set-up will naturally find its own balance and get rid of most if not all vibrations. You also dont have to worry about heat thermals caused by observing on a concrete surface. Concrete holds a lot of daytime heat which is slowly released over night.

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Good that he removes the counterweights at critical moments particularly.

No "chinings" or pinched/severed fingers when the axis clamp fails to hold? :p

Funnily enough I did exactly that "chining" the other day unmounting my 10" RCT.




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And to think, I struggle with my C9.25. It must be alot to do with technique as well. I did buy an additional clamp which attaches to the dovetail and acts like a third hand while fitting the ota to the mount.

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