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Cygnus Loop NB Hubble pallette - First Light Tripple Widefield Rig in NB


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At last a couple of hours of clear night sky and I was able to try my widefield tripple imaging rig in NB for the first time last night. A couple of teething problems - main one was with guiding. I couldn't get PHD to calibrate saying there was not enough guide star movement :( Tried changing the settings and also the lens on the Lodestar to a longer FL - no joy. Tried SX Lodestar software for guiding but couldn't find where to set up the ASCOM Telescope. May try AA5 (should get that sorted out sometime :D). So I was limited to 5m subs without guiding.

This is 20 x 5m Ha, 24 x 5m OIII and 15 x 5m SII stacked in DSS, stretched in Ps, aligned with Registar then combined and further processed in Ps. Cropped slightly mainly to cover just the area where there were all three images and resized for uploading.


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Good progress here Gina, there's nice detail in this image and the colour balance is good as well.The PHD guiding is being a pain for you - I see that there is another member (nygaara) is having exactly the same issue as you, he's posted in the Software section. Hope you resolve it soon.


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Very nice Gina :smiley: ! Triple imaging rig? Wow, that's sound complex, I don't envisage that for me any time soon (there's already enough pressure with

all these astrodons, 460s, 694s and the like!). I guess you have work ahead to get those highly recommended 30m subs in narrowband...


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5 minute without guiding, you make it sound easy :)

Good job on the picture!

5 minute without guiding, you make it sound easy :)

Good job on the picture!

Thank you :)

I spent quite a time (and effort) setting up my PA some time back using AstroTortilla - within 2 minutes of arc. Also, this is quite a wide field of view 7 x 9 degrees.

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Good progress here Gina, there's nice detail in this image and the colour balance is good as well.The PHD guiding is being a pain for you - I see that there is another member (nygaara) is having exactly the same issue as you, he's posted in the Software section. Hope you resolve it soon.


Thank you Martin :) Yes, been in the Software forum and added to that thread. Need to sort that out when the weather permits. May try a Barlow to increase the FL and amount the guide star moves though it shouldn't be necessary IMO. Or I may try different software.
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Very nice, shame about the guiding problems. When do you start work on the quad rig with the MN190 on there as well ??!!

Thank you :) I'm limited by my mount ATM - the MN190 on it's own plus FW and camera etc. is already on the limit. Might invest in an EQ8 later on :D
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Pretty damn good for unguided Gina. That's a well set up rig.


Thank you :) As I said above I took some trouble to set up my PA as well as I could.
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Very nice Gina :smiley: ! Triple imaging rig? Wow, that's sound complex, I don't envisage that for me any time soon (there's already enough pressure with

all these astrodons, 460s, 694s and the like!). I guess you have work ahead to get those highly recommended 30m subs in narrowband...


Thank you :) Must take a photo of it on the mount. There are photos of it on the living room table in my thread in the DIY Astronomer forum.
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Cracking image Gina, Wow to have captured all three channels in 2Hrs is fantastic. You have captured neigh on 5hrs of Data by conventional single camera means!!.

EQ8 huh - i can see the Triple MN190 thread now ;-)

Cheers John

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Thank you everyone :)

I've had a go at the colout gradient with Noel's Actions. Here is a new version with colour gradient removed and a touch of brightening up.


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Forgot to post the imaging system details...

Ha - 135mm f2.8 lens set at f4 with 460EX

OIII - 105mm f2.8 lens set to f4 with 314L+

SII - 105mm f2.8 lens set to f4 with 314L+

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Last night's data added to the earlier data with a total of 37 x 5m Ha, 74 x 5m OIII and 74 x 5m SII stacked in DSS, aligned with RegiStar then combined and further processed to the Hubble palette in Ps.


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