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Clear skies tonight!


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Just come in from a spot of observing.

Spectacularly clear sky in Oxfordshire.

In the end I put the scope away and just stood and looked up at the splendour of the Milkyway spread across the sky.

I think it is the clearest it has been since I got my scope way back last year!

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Beautifully clear here, too. I had a moment of panic when I thought it was getting cloudy and then realised it was just the Milky Way coming into view :)

Saw an absolute corker of a meteor shoot straight along the plane of the Milky Way, and an Iridium flare too. Could be a late night :)


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I had a moment of panic when I thought it was getting cloudy and then realised it was just the Milky Way coming into view :)

God I'm glad to hear you say that.

Even from my town centre sky, I got the same feeling of dread....

And no work tomorrow.. :)

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Set up my kit in the back garden for the first time in months - and the first time ever in just a T-shirt & jeans. Clear blue skies seemed great. Then after 2 hours of faffing (new laptop wouldn't talk to robofocus, or charge on the new 12v adaptor - even though everything worked fine when tested indoors), the clouds inevitably rolled in. Not a single image taken! Bah! Plus some neighbour decided to show off their security lights and another neighbour decided to blast out a few disco tunes - at 12:30 am. Grrr!

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Beautifully clear here, too. I had a moment of panic when I thought it was getting cloudy and then realised it was just the Milky Way coming into view :)

I thought I was dreaming. :smiley: For the first time in recorded history I was able make out the Milky Way as it stretched through Cygnus and onto Aquila - from the very centre of Reading!!! Just had an hour and a half of some of the best town centre observing I've ever known. Oh to have been out at a dark sky site.

Is it me or does the wind help to keep the skies a little clearer? Maybe it stops the mist from forming after a sultry evening such as we've just had.


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Yep crystal clear here until just gone midnight then dew started and the it seemed to reflect the light more from surounding area,saw 2 bright meteorites with long tails one from sw to nw and the other from Perseus area,so clearest night of the year so far,very rare indeed.

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Got to say it was a great night, had the SCT running for the inlaws over from NZ.

Had a great time touring the doubles and Vega was a beautiful cool blue.

Best viewing was the double cluster.

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Im glad a lot of people managed t get out. I was out from around 2200 to about 00.15. Skies stayed beautifully clear too, no sign of the Milky Way though, and i can normally see it from the garden, maybe wasnt dark enough.

Found 5 new objects too, all manually using the EQ5 instead of relying on the HEQ5 goto, glad i havent lost my touch. Forecast for tonight isnt looking so good, but tomorrow night looks to be clear.

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