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How weatherproof is a EQ6 tripod?

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I can not afford a nice heavy duty pier yet.

Currently have the EQ6 mount on a 5in. wooden post which is sturdy but there is slight vibration when touching the mount.

I was wondering how weatherproof the EQ6 tripod actually is.

My intention it to keep it outside permanently instead of the pier. Just wondering about rust and corrosion of the tripod?

Is there anything I need to do to to waterproof/weatherproof?


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My NEQ6 tripod shows no sign of rust and while it is put away after use i have never dried it off, it has stainless steel legs and heavy enamel for the top and bottom, so if its left outside i would make something to keep the weather off, either a square type of box with a lid that fits over the edges, the box i think i would hinge so it would fold up flat the 2 corners that meet maybe some screw in eylets with a rod going through them to hold the corner together, this would make for a very quick removal when you get some clear skys....

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Going over the tripod with a magnet shows that the screws in the friction leg adjusters is steel, the tiny threded insert (2 in each top leg) are steel, the Az Stop is steel and all the bolts are steel. The rest seems to be stainless or aluminium.

Currently the EQ6 mount and wooden pier (along with a large'ish wooden box that contains all the electronics - usb hubs, 12v - 5v power converters etc) are covered up when not in use with a heavy duty bin bag plus a large tarp that wraps around everything to the floor)

So the tarp would still cover the Tripod OK.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My tripod is outside permanently and all I do is have an old bird seed tub over it to stop the centre bolt getting wet and I also have good quality marine grease on the leg adjusters. It has not let me down in 3 years.


Edited by sbooder
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Thats Great Sboober,

Some info from an actual user with a permanent outside tripod mount. Glad to know it is possible.

My made a mistake when putting my pier in, I though 3 posts (4in sq) bolted together 3 in a line with the middle post slightly longer for the mount to bolt to) would be secure, however I the mount has some flex. I should of used 4 posts located around the a central post.

I looked at 6in steel pipe but are expensive to buy, looked at the local metal recycle centre a few time with no luck and even took at building site for large dia plastic pipe that could be filled with concrete but again no joy. I can not afford a proper made astro pier and also upgrade some of my equipment like scope and camera. So I either get my son to open up the pier hole and level up the concrete mound with a tow-rope tied to a car and remake the wooded post (4 posts around a central post but make be use 5in posts) or the even cheaper setup of the actual EQ6 mount as you have helped sjhow that it is possible to keep outside with some sealing on the steel joints like other have said.

Using the actaul mount is the cheapest option and it is purpose made and I have it. I am much more happy knowing it can be left outside (and covered) and it will be OK. I just need to make the tripod secure so it can not be just picked up.

On my current wooden post setup I removed the EQ6 bubble indicator and drilled a slot in the mounting plate so that a cable based cycle cable lock can be attached to the mount head and to to the wooded pier with a hole drilled through the post with the cable going through.

I also have a small microswitch fitted into the mounting plate and it the EQ6 head is unscrewed then the switch with activate a high pitched alarm, so these would stay in place with the tripod but just need to be able to mount a security cable to the tripod and the ground. You have to protect your gear from non-astro nightly folk.


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My whole HEQ5 mount, head and tripod has been out in ALL weathers for the past six years - Oz> UK> Belgium> Oz just covered by a green "breathable" patio chair cover.

This covers 95% of the tripod, but I now see the white powder coating is peeling off the feet..would be nice to dis-assemble, shot blast and re-coat them, but I don't think it will ever happen.

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  • 6 years later...

I have kept my mount.....and scope out all winter so far in all weathers without out any adverse effects. I have coated the mount in ACF50 which drys like a protective skin and protects everything (including electrical ports). Everything is under a Telegizmos 365 cover. A good cover which is open at the bottom for circulation is well worth the investment. I just take the cover off occasionally to allow everything to air. 

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what about using a 8" post going from a 5" to 8" would be a big improvmemnt

I don't think any tripods are water proff at all.

You can easily have one 20 years old that looks really good if you take inside evertime, but if it needs to be outside 24/7/52 weeks a yr you must do things as people above have mentioned or after 3 to 5 years it mat be dead. if you do water protection u may get it to 10 yrs.

altho to me the tripod is  light compared to the mount and weights 


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4 minutes ago, joe aguiar said:

what about using a 8" post going from a 5" to 8" would be a big improvmemnt

I don't think any tripods are water proff at all.

You can easily have one 20 years old that looks really good if you take inside evertime, but if it needs to be outside 24/7/52 weeks a yr you must do things as people above have mentioned or after 3 to 5 years it mat be dead. if you do water protection u may get it to 10 yrs.

altho to me the tripod is  light compared to the mount and weights 


Joe, I think you’ve made the same mistake as me not realizing this is such an old thread 😂😂😂 😣😣

Edited by Jiggy 67
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27 minutes ago, Jiggy 67 said:

Joe, I think you’ve made the same mistake as me not realizing this is such an old thread 😂😂😂 😣😣

ohh damn now I see I didn't see the date only it was the top of the list so that's y I replied ohh well


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15 minutes ago, Merlin66 said:

......six years later......

The HEQ5 tripod is still stored outside under a Patio Chair cover.....the powder coated feet have suffered - but only cosmetic.

No issues with the mounting......




That’s impressive. What’s more impressive is the sunshine?  This doesn’t look like the UK!

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7 hours ago, Merlin66 said:

In Victoria, Australia.....

First relatively clear day for a while - still some cloud and windy but the smoke haze has decreased.

Last week we registered PM2.5 >150 !!!

Just went off to read that. Over 150 that’s shocking. Serious risk to your health 😞 

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