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The Sun's gone loopy!


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Still trying to learn the ropes with solar imaging. Seems so odd to gather a sequence in such a short time, a 20 minute exposure seems short to me these days, let alone a minute or so with the DMK AU618.AS mono.

Never sure of how much to sharpen, how much or which colour......

This is from yesterday, 2nd June.

PST, cheap 2x barlow, and the DMK.



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Its not bad at all Tim. Colour is subjective, you can have it any way you want. I think it is just a tiny bit overexposed as you have blown the detail in the white bits. The sharpening is very close, not soft and not too spiky hard looking.

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Good processing I'd say. Could be a touch redder for my liking, but as Allan says, it's really up to what looks good to you.

Also as Allan says, it's over-exposed. Maybe make the frame rate slightly higher than one every 20 minutes!

One other point, I think the etalon tuning may need a tiny tweak. Looks like you've got a "sweet ring" rather than a sweet spot. It's usually quite easy to see the effect of turning th etalon on the on-screen preview, and you want all the darker, on-band zone centred in a spot on the chip. One issue with these etalons is backlash. The sweet-spot will sometimes shift off-axis when you turn the ring the opposite direction, so once it's tuned, give it a final twiddle to re-centre the sweet spot. Get me?


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Thanks Andrew. I was playing with it a bit, but it was tricky with the barlow in to get it right, so in the end I went for a brighter area on the eruptions, to indicate more heat :p

I'd be very keen to hear typical gain settings on a 618 camera at 60fps and a standard PST if anybody has any to share :)

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