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Put on your sunglasses!! - SH2-101 (tulip nebula) in HST palette


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At the risk of making people blind, I wasn't going to post this image. It's rather on the ....... err ........... bright side, shall we say?!! It's data from last year, that I was never happy with the original processing. Thanks to Martin's tone mapping tutorials on AndyUK's mammouth mosaic thread, I thought I'd have another go at processing.

The results are below. I know that HST palette images are rather like marmite, either loved or hated and I am sure that this will continue with splitting the camp and will do nothing at all to bring the sides closer together!

I thought though that on a rather gloomy day in the UK, it might cheer you up a little!!



T: Pentax 75SDHF

C: Atik 314L+

12x1500s Ha

12x1500s OIII

11x1500 SII


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Ive also had the chance to compare this with V1.0... And although false colour will always be false colour, this V2.0 using tone mapping certainly presses all the buttons for me and makes it well worth the extra effort - A cracking result!

Sara - how about posting a side-by-side V1 vs V2?

(Please forgive the shameless plug, but for anyone who's been scared off tone mapping, I strongly recommend you have at look at MartinH's 3 video tutorials :-))

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Thanks everyone for the comments - I'm glad that your eyeballs weren't permanently damaged!!

Martin you may well say 'ouch' but that was your tutorials that caused this!!!

A side by side comparison you say Andy? OK, here's the original!!


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Thanks everyone for the comments - I'm glad that your eyeballs weren't permanently damaged!!

Martin you may well say 'ouch' but that was your tutorials that caused this!!!

Yeah I know - only messing with you. I did a version of this one and it looks just about the same as yours.

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Not really my thing but there is no green to upset me! You can't have green in astro pix away from a few PNs with special permission!!! :Envy:


You keep saying that Olly, but most (proper) Hubble pictures of nebulae have a healthy dose of green, and in fact, there is a whole bunch of separate gas details between Oiii and Ha that show up as green against cyan in a lot of gassy targets.

I do like the blue and gold colour scheme a lot, it looks very classy, but from what I have seen, some detail in nebulae structure is absorbed when all traces of green disappear, notably on areas bright in Sulphur and Hydrogen emissions, the hydrogen tends to extend beyond the sulphur and show as a green tinge. Popular "Hubble" palette use normally merges it with the Ozone emissions.

Horses for courses though, it's all applied colour anyway :Dhttp://hubblesite.org/gallery/album/nebula

Sara, I really like the target. It's bright, but you should see my bubble nebula!! ;)

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