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Tesco Scope


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What do you get if you use that 'professional fryer' (can someone explain to me what exactly is an 'unprofessional fryer'?) on that lovely looing 2" frac?

An undentified frying object :rolleyes:

An unprofessional fryer will have the label "professional" on it. A real professional fryer will have a model number, and come in a plain brown or white cardboard box.

I'm tempted with that £10 refractor. It will be great for public viewing, to show people why they should not buy telescope from supermarket. I haven't look through one of these junk in a while and quite interested to see how bad can it get.

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It has a very similar look to the National Geographic one. I wonder if it has the 0.965" eyepiece fitting too? I'd be half-tempted to buy it as a wide field finder for a Mak, but I'm not convinced it would even be good enough for that.


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So How Cool is it? I might get one and take it to a star party to see how many admiring glances I get and work out the "cool factor". I think Id'e be cooler if I took the fryer, at least I could make rounds of chips for everyone.

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So How Cool is it? I might get one and take it to a star party to see how many admiring glances I get and work out the "cool factor". I think Id'e be cooler if I took the fryer, at least I could make rounds of chips for everyone.

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I have seen several of these and tried to fix them up a bit for even the most basic low power use by youngsters. the nuts and bolts I used are in my opinion worth more than the scope. they are truly awful. OK you could get a better mount and use good quality eyepieces and it might be just about OK for the moon with a red dot finder added but it's genuinely not even worth £10. the tripod is even worse than the scope.

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You get what you pay for. The scope is worth about 12 pence. The other £9.88 is taken up with paying the wage to the guy in Thailand who assembled it last Friday afternoon, then to pay the guy to drive it to the docks (and his fuel), then aeroplane fuel and pilot wages to fly it to the UK, then ..... well, you get my drift. B)

Buy the keyboard which will no doubt make you into an excellent musician on a budget too in much the same way !!


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New Challenge, what scope would you buy if you only had £10? Or would it be binoculars?

I'd recommend a TRT (toilet-roll-telescope). For example, imagine you wanted to go deep space, all you need is toilet paper tubes, one will do if you're going wide-field and a number of small wods of cotton wool stuck onto a small piece of black paper. Fasten the black paper to the end of your toilet roll and you can enjoy an entire evening with faint fuzzies. As you can appreciate, the possibilities of such a design are endless.

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New Challenge, what scope would you buy if you only had £10? Or would it be binoculars?

neither! - i;d buy a few nice bottles of beer and sit on a deck chair, drink the beer and star at the sky with my Mk1 Eyeball. probably get a better view too.

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