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NGC4565 with enough data.


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I'll post this on a new thread because it has now had more than double the data of the original. There is just no way round this, you need to put the time in and fours hours isn't enough.

This has 14X15 Lum and 7X15 per colour plus one extra for red, making 9 hours. The net is too slow today for me to upload the wide field so this is a crop of the Needle Galaxy. I'll try and post the whole thing later.

Yves' 14 inch ODK/Mesu Mount 200/SXVH36. Shot over two successive nights.




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Nice work, Yves. Always interesting to compare styles. Harder, softer, there is no right answer. I'm going through a soft period!!


Yep a beautiful rendition Yves..... can I sit on the fence and say somewhere in between, Yves 's has a tad more star colour and crisper detail in the dust lane while Olly's having a silky smooth, beautifully clean high class processed look to it. Both stunning images with gorgeous colour, I cant help coming back to have another look. I'm seriously looking at an ODK as a second scope!

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Yep a beautiful rendition Yves..... can I sit on the fence and say somewhere in between, Yves 's has a tad more star colour and crisper detail in the dust lane while Olly's having a silky smooth, beautifully clean high class processed look to it. Both stunning images with gorgeous colour, I cant help coming back to have another look. I'm seriously looking at an ODK as a second scope!

Awe, we'll both buy you a drink, Peter!

:grin: lly

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Woh!.. that latest reincarnation has got noticably more apparent detail, very nice.

I know most of us are all in awe of that mesu.. but I think the quality of processing accounts for a lot in your images.


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Awesome image, and a rare occasion to hear the phrase "enough data" in DSO imaging ;)

Well, nearly enough. :grin: I think you'd need to double it again to see a benefit, but there would be a small benefit, mainly for sharpening. The thing is that ths is a remarkably bright galaxy and the faint, time-consuming stuff is seen edge on so your line of sight looks through it's long dimension where it's thick.

Derek, thanks. My workflow does vary but isn't fundamentally complicated. Sometimes I'm blown away by the sophisticated processing which some imagers use and, sure, I'd like to know more about these techniques. My processing is fairly simple.

The things that don't vary are:

SCNR Green and then DBE in Pixinsight. Get the background sky right.

Process L for detail - faint stuff / sharp stuff) and RGB for strong colour/low noise.

Use layers, generally the bottom layer getting the modification globally (noise reduction, sharpening) and the top layer being selectively erased to reveal the mod. Use separate streches for different layers, too.

Try not to apply luminance to stars.

Don't let the background go below 23 until the very last operation where some images look better as low as 19. 23 is my default.

Look at the picture to see what it needs. Don't have a rigid predetermined work flow dictating the sequence. (But there are strong general trends.)

And a good one from Tom O'Donoghue; Make your own picture.

Post it first on the French website where it will get a right old grilling!!! Nothing gets past them. :icon_salut:

Above all, before getting hung up on techniques, look at the picture.


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Look at the picture to see what it needs.

Post it first on the French website where it will get a right old grilling!!! Nothing gets past them. :icon_salut:

Above all, before getting hung up on techniques, look at the picture.


Can't disagree... I've had real trouble with knowing what I'm looking at.. I have a monitor calibrator (spyder4elite) heading my way so when I look at the screen I can believe what I'm seeing.

What is the 'french' website?


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