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Thought to myself "sod it, there are enough breaks in the cloud to take the big white beast (200p Dob) out for a virgin view...................

The security light kept coming on, I live in the middle of a city, the cloud was terrible and I have no idea what I was looking at....

BUT what a rush to see not only the amount of stars but alo the clarity. It was amazing.

Saw something move very quickly across the view which was much higher than a plane, so thinking it was either a bit of debris or perhaps the ISS???? (seemed to be moving with purpose and acroos not down)

Totally amazed for a first outing and can't wait to get out again and check with my planisphere as to what I saw.

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I don't think ISS is around at the minute (could be wrong though). There are a hell of a lot of other satellites though that are visible. I saw one shoot across my view yesterday when I took my scope out for first light. Not sure which one it was though. Well done on getting your first light :)

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Glad first outing was good :)

If the lights are a pain, try a dark blanket over your head and eyepiece, it can really help to connect you with the sky. Hopefully there's not much stray light making it down the dob.

I used to live in Portsmouth and it's way over lit, I used to go to the beach round Eastney/Hayling ferry area with my scope (fantastic view south), that was a fair few years ago, but it's still one of the 'darker' bits there.

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Congrats on your first viewing! It sounds like despite the problems you have definitely caught the bug!! 'Stellarium' has a plug-in which will identify what satellites are likely to be passing your area, as well, of course, as showing what else is up in the night sky.


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Theres several iPhone and Android apps that can tell you where/when the ISS will be over you and some satellites aswell which I use to check out if the thing Im seeing is something interesting or just another jumbo.

And 'Scares the used food out of you' has just genuinely made me 'lol' at my desk. Cue strange looks from my colleges.

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Theres several iPhone and Android apps that can tell you where/when the ISS will be over you and some satellites aswell which I use to check out if the thing Im seeing is something interesting or just another jumbo.

And 'Scares the used food out of you' has just genuinely made me 'lol' at my desk. Cue strange looks from my colleges.

thanks lol
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Well done on your first light in your new scope, as you learn what is what it becomes even more interesting.


No I often look at planes, I have flown in so many I wonder if I have been in it and I am sure that some of them I have.


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