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Frustrated Video Astronomer


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I'm fairly new at the forum game and yes I'm frustrated. Actually, I'm frustrated for two reasons: One, I just wish the clouds would melt away in Indiana long enough to use my Samsung SBC 4000 on a nebula or something: Two, I've been trying to obtain remote control RS 485 software to control the sbc 4000 at a short distance. So far neither has panned out for me but, I'm still having fun with the camera. Is there anyone out there that can help me with either one of these problems?


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Hi Dennis and welcome to SGL.

The dreaded clouds can be disheartening - I haven't had clear skies lining up with my spare time for some time. When i get a good night though reminds me why I persevere with this great hobby.

I haven't tried video astronomy (although it looks tempting!) so can't help there I'm afraid, plenty of others on the forum will though.

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Hi Dennis and welcome to the forum. I'm afraid the weather here in the U.K isn't much better I'm afraid but I suppose it can only get better - Can't it? :grin: :grin:

Clear skies soon and enjoy the forum


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Hi Dennis,

Welcome to the forum! -1 celcius and cloudy / SNOW! in Ireland at the moment, so no shiny stars for me.

Keep it up though, it cant be cloudy all the time!


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Oh, I'm from southern Indiana 30 miles north of Louisville, Ky


My older brother lived in Louisville most of his adult life. He was drafted in 1965, and went to Ft Knox. He became the Chaplain's assistant and avoided Vietnam, simply because he was the only one who raised his hand when the Chaplain asked if anyone could drive a jeep, type and play the piano! He married a Kentucky belle and became a fixture at the local 1/8 mile dragtstrips. He lived there rest of his life, but never lost his Yankee accent.

Nice place, Louisville...


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Well, my frustration is not as great now as it was. The clouds have names now and I got my software I was needing. However, I have one more point of frustration! I try to reply to you folks with a "quote" and I come up with a note saying "You have more quotes open than you have closed" or something like that. How do you close a quote? By the way, we have a clear night forecast for tonight(Don't beleive it) so I'm hopeing to give the ole camera a shot.

tks to y'all


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