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Lights, Camera, ACTION!

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I've done a short animation of comet Holmes over 90 minutes, but it doesn't appear to work for me. It uploaded to Stargazrs OK apparently, but it appears as "no thumbnail" in my profile bit. I'm posting the code here to see if you guys can see it, or if I can see it.

http://stargazrs.com/ext/video_player.swf?config={videoFile: 'http://stargazrs.com/Klevtsov/video/32.flv', splashImageFile: 'http://stargazrs.com/images/video_player.jpg', autoBuffering: false, initialScale: 'scale', autoPlay: false, }

Edit:- It doesn't seem to work here either. Any clues?

Kaptain Klevtsov

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Hi KK,

Can you try uploading to Stargazrs again? Sometimes it uploads ok but when the video is converted into web format it fails - either because of a hiccup on the server or because you've used a file format the site can't understand...



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Sorry KK - My bad, the video encoding tools hadn't been setup correctly since the server move last week - its now fixed and I've sorted out the video you uploaded - it should be showing up correctly in your thread now.

Nice work! :smiley:

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Nice bit of movie making Mr Speilberg KK. I think maybe that could be a precurser to more of this kind of imagery. I would say a lot of SGL Members would be tooled up for this medium. I may be wrong though. Very effective indeed me lad.

Ron. :D

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I've done a short animation of comet Holmes over 90 minutes,

KK, that's a really nice time lapse. Didn't know it was moving so fast.


Thanks Andrew, must read the post more carefully :D


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