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Hello from massachusetts


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Hello to everyone , I am new to this forum and look forward to many great discussions, I got my first telescope in 1996 , it was a 60mm bushnell refractor. I remember seeing Saturns rings and a couple of belts on Jupiter and of course the Orion Nebula. In 1997 I got an 8" Orion dobsonian and started to enjoy deep sky objects. The next year I was looking into a grab and go telescope , thats when I got a Televue Pronto refractor. For a 70mm scope it really had great wide field views. Then I sold the Pronto and got a Televue 85mm refactor and was impressed with the apo perfomance. I had the 8" dob in a cellar that had a lot of humidity and occasional small floods and over time the mirror needed to be either recoated or replaced. I ended up giving the scope to a local astronomy club and am looking into purchasing a 10" dob in the near future. Since I moved I do not have to worry about a damp cellar. My Televue 85 sits on a Vixen GP mount with Skysensor 2000 and for quick looks I use a Manfrotto tripod with the Telepod head. This forum was just what I needed, the last few years I was not looking at the sky that often. The astronomy bug has bitten me again .

Thank you All




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Hi Kenpo and welcome to the forums. Nice to see a fellow Bay Stater on here - what part are you at?

That's too bad you got rid of that 8" - it probably just had a coating of mold or mildue that could have been removed safely with a little alcohol.

By the way, how did you fare with the blizzard? I got almost 3 feet where I am but it soon will be gone with the rain and above freezing weather in the next week or so. Yes, Brits, 3 feet - a typical New England "Nor-Easter" :Envy:

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Thanks for the nice welcome!! I Mr Q , I cleaned the mirror with a gentle dishwashing soap a few times ,used the cotton for cleaning but never thought of using alcohol (lesson learned). Oh and again I am from central ma. The Nor-Easter hit us with 28 inches! Where do I put my tripod!!!!!!!

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Hi Kenpo and welcome to SGL, nice set of scopes, and another tip, when you have finished washing your mirror, a final rinse in distilled water is recommended as it is not supposed to leave streaks like tap water, which can often contain some unwanted elements and is best avoided being left to dry on the mirror surface, enjoy your astronomy :)


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