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Such a frustrating hobby!!!


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First clear night for ages, no little one and nowhere to go!!! Usually I'm with the mrs in Cannock and the sky is ace at hers. I've just walked over Warley Woods but it's so scary over there and lots of people hanging around in cars trying to reach the moon by smoking their lives away. So I've had to come home :-(

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Clear in Birmingham?

*thinks* that's not far from here...

*thinks* I'm pretty tired, but I haven't been out since 10th Dec...

... goes outside to look ...


Well it's clear, but there's one hell of a haze. Orion's Belt is a struggle and the Pleiades are averted-vision only, through the murky misty mank up there.

So, you're not alone Claire. So frustrating!

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I've been so grumpy tonight!! I don't like having no friends nearby who can keep me company!! Haven't looked outside again since i got home. * thinks about taking up knitting!*

You could knit some Clangers jackets for them that are up in the woods..


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Yes it did clear nicely here in Brum for a short while,and i managed an hour with the bins and camera in the back garden before the clouds rolled in again.

M42 was looking great through the bins,first time for me with the bins as was Pleiades and Jupiter and its moons.

But yes Claire it is very very frustrating!!!!!

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It did clear here in Oxfordshire for a bit. We managed to test our new Bahtinov mask and take some images of M42 and M45 - we even got some nebulosity around some of the M45 stars despite the encroaching haze. We even managed to get a hint of the Horsehead too. We feel quite lucky though as there was still a lot of thin hazy stuff about and this eventually closed in completely. It's been 8/8ths here all day today though.

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im new to all this and all i want to do is get a chance to try out my new telescope, very very frustrating indeed, im learning fast that you need to be a very patient person if your going to last in this hobby.

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Cheer up. Yes it can be frustrating, I think this year has actually been the worst for 'hands on' astronomy I have known. It's easy for example to remember how to use ap equipment etc. as you have so little consecutive nights to use it and perfect technique. I am evolving to using my binoculars more (quick to set up when the clouds part). Still we don't have long to wait until Stargazing Live is on this week! Can't wait.



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Yes Steve that is the trouble i am having,remembering what to do when i set up as it's so long between sessions??

I was thinking of selling up but thankfully we got out on Boxing day night,even though it was raining when we set out but it did clear enough to set up,and that gave me the inspiration to continue with this hobby.

I nearly set the scope up last night but glad i just used the bins and camera as i clouded over very quickly.

Looking forward to SGL next week,and Sky at Night tonight but with sadness. :sad:

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I'm desperately trying to stay awake for Sky At Night later!!

I've a ticket for Star Gazing Live in Birmingham for Wednesday so I'm very very excited and hoping it stays clear!!!

I love astronomy too much to quit, I'm finding it frustrating as I'm trying to learn the sky, east and south I'm ok now but can see north and west from mine.

I'm actually considering moving in April when my tenancy agreement ends, I need some darker skies and a garden!! X

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after my brief moan earlier ive managed to get out tonight and see Jupiter for the first time through my scope, wasnt brilliant as im still learning but got enough to keep me keen :grin:

Claire im like you in that i need a garden, then i can build my man shed :grin:

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after my brief moan earlier ive managed to get out tonight and see Jupiter for the first time through my scope, wasnt brilliant as im still learning but got enough to keep me keen :grin:

Claire im like you in that i need a garden, then i can build my man shed :grin:

Haha!! Yes I need a man shed too!! Not much of a girl me :p x

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I managed to put in a couple of hours observing with my new Olympus 10x50 bino/monopod/trigger ballhead mount set up last thursday (03/01/13/).The seeing wasn't great,but good enough-hadn't been out for ages!. NewYear's Eve was nice and clear,but I decided that personnal safety came first-I didn't fancy being one of those people that have been attacked and 'filled in' that you read about with depressing regularity at this time of year!

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It was beauituflly clear here the other night but i couldn't be bothered to set up, it always feels like a waste of a clear sky, but if you made yourself set up every night it was clear, you'd soon get bored and stop doing it.

I dunno, if I made myself go out everytime it was clear ... I still wouldn't've been out since 10th Dec :rolleyes:

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Saying 'hobby' implies it's something we regularily get to do......I haven't had a clear night for 6 weeks now!!! It's driving me up the wall!! I have a limited view of the sky from my location (think thin garden with high fences) and I'm going to be really hacked off if I don't get a least one night looking at Orion (I've only another couple of weeks before it'll disappear behind the house). There's brief snippets were the clouds open but by the time I rush home and stick the scope out to cool it's all gone grey again.

I'm tired of being teased by all the astromags and their suggested targets only to be greyed out for the entire month and then the next issue comes along. I know it's not the magazines fault but they give the impression of simply turning up at your location of choice and gorging yourself stupid on a stargazing feast, some acknowledgement about the realistic aspects of it all wouldn't go amiss!

As the climate is shifting it's only going to get worse as our winters get warmer and wetter. I've taken to forlornly scouring Stellarium and my observing logs whilst scowling at the heavens out the window every 30 mins it seems. It's very disheartening but there's nothing that can be done and you just have to learn patience.

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I think my last time was early December! I took a week of work off before the Xmas break too, totalling 3 weeks off in the hope i'd get some time in. How disappointing. Ended up playing Xbox for 3 weeks.

This is my first winter imaging and its been massively frustrating.. I was hoping for a few nights at least of winter sky to debut on Orion and Andromeda, instead i think i've managed about 5 hours of data over the last 3 months.

I've just bought a QHY8L OSC to get past the time sink of mono imaging and ASI120 for some planetary stuff. Fingers crossed the next couple of months are a bit fruitful, i haven't really got much to show for my first year of imaging so far :(

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