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First Results


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So, I have been interested in astronomy since I was a kid, but only recently taken it up again. Here are my first results, since there are more, I will give an approximate number of the data used for convenience, having moved from purely visual to imaging recently.

My equipment: SW200P EQ5 Goto Upgrade, Pentax KX DSLR non-modded w/ remote (& an Acer laptop with PK camera tether). Images where taken in a medium light-polluted area, average of 25 subs with 15 Darks, 15 Flats, and 15 Offset/Bias frames, at prime focus, processed in DSS Ulead, and Win Photos Gallery. Exposure times vary from 30s -20 s. Jupiter was done through a point and shoot dig. cam, video file 2x Barlow lens at mag. 200, stacked in Registax 6. Comments and suggestions welcome.






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Andy, these are very good for first attempts. Jupiter is particularly good, I imagine the seeing was good (LP aside) as it shows great detail. Registax does bring out details with video processing that single images might miss. Nice one!

The DSO's are also good and clearly the tracking from the mount was spot on. Are these autoguided or not?

I have a Kx and they are good at higher iso's. I wonder, did you shoot RAW or JPG?

Well done!

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Thank you all for the positive feedback. :) @ Scott, they were all, with the exception of Jupiter (.avi) shot in RAW, I changed them into .jpg after procerssing. No autoguiding was involved, however I did a precise precise polar alignment and a 3-star alignment. On Jupiter, the seeing was good.

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