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First photography attempt - Jupiter


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Well thats a pretty good start - well done

If you post a bit more info such as software used , frame rate and length of AVI along with equipment used ( Barlow / xbox Cam /SPC) you will probably get lots of useful feedback

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Yup, that's a good first attempt. You probably do need more gain. If you're using SharpCap then you can get it to display the histogram for the capture which helps greatly with getting the gain right.


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I used a flashed SPC880, 2xTal barlow and a Skywatcher 200P dob. Jupiter was captured using SharpCap then stacked in Registax. To be honest i'm really chuffed with it considering it was my first time.

I take it DSOs are out the question with a dob. I was trying to get Orion nebula onto the laptop screen but had no luck at all.

The settings i used were

[Philips SPC 900NC PC Camera]


Frame Rate (fps)=10.00

Colour Space / Compression=YUY2









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I'd definitely drop the gamma down to 0 and push the gain higher. Display the histogram in SharpCap and lift the gain until the graph comes up to about 70% of the way across the scale.

DSOs are pretty much out with the camera unless you have the LX mod to be honest. The maximum exposure time just isn't long enough for anything but the brightest objects. A manual dob probably isn't going to work as a DSO imaging platform either. If you can track accurately then you may get a few things that can cope with shorter exposures but other than that field rotation is going to become a problem fairly quickly.


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Great first effort. All I can suggest is practice and experiment until you reach the best possible image with your set up. I'm probably up to about 10hours worth of AVi's and still have not got it right.

Best wishes,

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Great first effort. All I can suggest is practice and experiment until you reach the best possible image with your set up. I'm probably up to about 10hours worth of AVi's and still have not got it right.

Best wishes,

Is there a way to stack more than 1 avi file so for example i take 5x1 minute avi files, am i then able to stack all 5 to create 1 image

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Hi Huggie,

When I said I had ten hours of data what I mean by that is say 2 weeks ago I had a clear night got all my gear out and took about 3 hours worth of data comprising of a mix of avi's say 2000frame one a 3min one etc..... trying different settings FPS, gamma. I then process them and take the best ones and try and figure out before the next session what worked and what did not work. For example, a couple of nights ago I did about 6 3min avi's at 30fps, the image looked good on the screen, but I was dropping frames all the time and when I came to stack the images, they were very poor. Through trial and error the best for me is 10FPS with the results I have seen so far. So even though I have collected alot of Avi's most of the data is poor because I was trying things out for my set up.

You would not be able to stack different Avi's from different nights because the planet changes in apperence so you would blur detail I would think. However, you could try stacking mutiple avi's over say a ten minute period and see if a program can derotate the images. Maybe worth a try.

Best wishes,

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Just asking if i was to have more than 1 avi file from more than one nights viewing is it possible to stack all of them.

Ah. I think that would be very difficult to make work as not only will Jupiter present a different aspect at the same time on different days, but the nature of the planet means that even the features in the same position are regularly changing.

If you want to stack several short videos into one image and Registax won't read them all at the same time then it may be possible to read them all into PIPP and get it to produce a single file as its output, then load that into Registax.


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Nice capture for a first attempt. Much better than my first go! :smiley:

I think the advice on the image has been suggested already. If you want to stack multiple avi files taken over say a ten minute period there is a programme called winjupos, I think, that will derotate the planet. I have never used it so I can't say how easy it is to use or whether it can cope with multiple avi files over a single 10 minute file.

Keep up the good work and I'm sure you will come on in leaps and bounds!

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Thanlks Bryan. I'm on annual leave from work just now (2 weeks) and have spent yesterday and today playing with registax trying to better the image i have. Don't think the wife is too pleased i have spent the past 2 days in front of a laptop instead of making most of the time while the kids are at school....................i'm taking about shopping :grin:

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Thanks Bryan. I'm on annual leave from work just now (2 weeks) and have spent yesterday and today playing with registax trying to better the image i have. Don't think the wife is too pleased I have spent the past 2 days in front of a laptop instead of making most of the time while the kids are at school....................i'm talking about shopping :grin:

I know exactly what you mean. I spend an evening outside imaging and then the next two evenings manipulating the images and I get THOSE looks! We can still spend a whole day though out shopping for one or two items.

I need to spend a couple of days going through the Registax on-line manuals to find out exactly what I am supposed to be doing. I can get so far just by experimenting, but I am sure I am not getting the full potential out of my images as I don't fully understand the software yet. Still Christmas holiday is coming up = 6 days off work.

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  • After seven atempts at buying a second hand webcam on ebay, i finally won a SPC880 flashed to SPC900. Im really delighted and cant wait for it to arrive. Jupiter will be my first target. Just some quick advice please, I only have a 2x barlow on a 127 mak, (f11.8 1500mm focal length) is there benefit in a greater magnification barlow?
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