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Large cloud remover needed!!

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Well after purchasing the new scope last week I have been eager to get some use out of it. What I'm finding is the weather in the North Weat is clear and bright in the day and as soon as dusk comes wet and cloudy! Does anyone know off a large villain type weather changer thats for sale before I scream ;-)


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You're far from alone, believe me. The weather seems utterly random here at the moment. Looking out of the windows at the back of the house we currently have filthy cloud, and out the front there's bright sun. It hasn't yet rained, but looks like it's going to tip down at any moment.

I'd quite like to go and set up for a solar image, but by the time I get done it'll probably be completely different.


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after purchasing the new scope last week

There's your problem. Didn't you know new astronomical equipment comes packed in cloud, to protect it in transit? Opening the box releases the cloud. Well known phenomenon that stops any new kit being used for at least a week - just ask anybody here

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I tend to find that law of the sod tends to apply to me most the time.

It's clear when the moon is out, and clouds over when it disappears from the sky for instance.

This week and last weekend I had the law of the sod in overdrive as I wanted to test out my new CCD camera, however the package that arrived was missing an adaptor so I couldn't connect it up to use it! The moon was out so I couldn't make out very much visually, so I gave up by 10:30pm!

I have been waiting patiently for the adaptor, and had 3 clear nights up to now. Low and behold, the adaptor turned up today, but now the next 2 days are forecast cloud after 4pm! :lol:

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Never assume that a clear day will turn into a clear night, nor that a cloudy night will stay cloudy all night. Some of the best deep-sky viewing can sometimes be had after a bout of heavy rain. Keep track of the weather forecast, including satellite imagery, and make the most of whatever gaps you get. A hazy sky can still be useful for lunar/planetary viewing.

I've had some lovely clear spells in the last few nights - but also a bright moon that has stopped me from doing any deep-sky viewing. Just got to be philosophical about these things.

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Oh, one thing to note is to not believe everything a weather forecast says. I check 4 different sites, plus sat24 to see what they all say. Sat24 is good for being able to tell if it's going to clear within an hour or so, and the other sites can vary wildly.

You quickly learn which is more accurate than the others, and if they all say the same thing then that is about the only time I know i can trust them 95%!

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I've spent the past few days sourcing and making a shroud/dew shield for my heritage 130p while the weather has been Rubbish (photo's to follow). The weather man says it will be clear on Saturday night - the night I'm out for the evening....


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I've almost given up using any internet weather service and now just rely on a quick glance out of the bedroom window to make an educated guess. I am sure that many purchases are made out of the frustration of not being able to use existing kit - only for this new kit to add to the cloud accumulator that seems to be sitting above where we all live. Acey, you are right about good seeing after a bout of heavy rain so we must all be in for some spectacular viewing soon - lets hope so. :grin:


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hmmm It would appear that I have added to the cloud in the Midlands for the following 7 days, so sorry all, if I'd have read this post first I'd have kept the box closed. I will repackage everything tomorrow and leave sealed for the following week.

Like heck roll on tomorrow night its going to be very clear, I hope.



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Remember, frustrating though it is, the stars and galaxies are not going anywhere, they'll still be there when it clears up. Best try to be philosophical about these things :) (that's what I tell myself when I am getting frustrated anyhow.....!)

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